

The Last Kind (prologue)
Prologue: I'm Charlie, a 16-year-old girl (at least I think I am). I live in a world of dangers beyond your thinking; Apocalypse, mind alternating virus, radiation. I was about 6 or 7 when it happened, "Doom's Day". Doom's Day is what we call the day the bombs dropped. The year is , 1996, there has been a war going on for 23 years, I lived in Puru and we were raided by Russian soldiers about 3 days ago leaving my family empty handed. Me and my mother, Krystal, we're headed to the Plaza early in the morning, but something was different. there was barely anyone there, it was usually packed full at this time of the day, but we moved on to the supermarket. When we made it and walked inside it was rather emtpy and looked like a twister had blown right though it, there was broken glass, karts thrown about, and shelves looked like the Russians had came back for more. That's when we heard it, it was loud enough to make our ears ring, it sounded like a tornado siren, mom took my hand and rushed me about the store to the back room, then to the basement of the store. I was so confused, scared, surprised, I had no idea what was going on...