

she stood up
Love in her heart stood up on canvas as art.
Every detail are shaded with eyes full of love and big pretty smile throughout the whole time.

anticipated fool presented her portrait of him without knowing that it's gonna be knock back without any word .its not that pretty art but she filled it with love .

that fool waited for days not for appreciation or a word but atleast to accept her sincereness.

Months passed his love faded like a fading shades of portrait her heart becomes like faded canvas .

That's the time she discerned her companion in herself and stood up for her passion for art

with confidence, she tried.... tried...... tried.... but never get tired.

she starts to make progress
one who ignored her portraits like a trash now her passion made him to say words like it's amazing, wonderful ......
she stood up strong .......

Best lessons are taught from bad & sad experiences ......

#writcostorychallenge #selfcreated #loveyourself #inspring