

Killer Man-Episode 3
"POLICE OPEN UP!" Yelled a police officer. "Yes?" Martha said coming to the door. Martha had dyed her hair green, gotten plastic surgery, moved to a new town, and had changed her name legally to Barbra Finton. All so she wouldn't get caught.
"We are looking for a Martha Boom or a Barbra Finton?"
"Yes I am Barbra. WhaWhat seems to be the problem officers?"
"You are under arrest for the Murder of Gurtrude Rosenburg. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say may or will be used against you in a court of law."
Then the police officer cuffed Martha and loaded her into his cruiser.

"Order! Order!" Yelled the judge as she pounded her gavel. The court room silenced. "The case of Martha Boom against Gurtrude Rosenburg. The trial had started.

"Guilty! I sentence the defendant to life without parole!"