

lost in me
Feeling all lost. Comparing to other people, thinking on what have I achieved in life till now. Is it still late or can I do better once put all my heart and effort in. Even if I achieve something which I wanted my whole life, will that makes me satisfied?? Or will I be greedy again looking what others achieved ?? Feels like I am far behind others and there's much more to achieve in life. Realised one needs to push boundaries to get what's needed. Nothing comes easy in life. Either live in mishap or strive to go beyond it......
Want to know on how I far I can go in this life. So decided to give all in on what I wanted in my life at present. Want to live with out regrets. So putting all in my heart in doing so. Hoping, one day will come where I feel appreciated of what I have done in life, rather than looking on other's success.