

A scene
A frog croaked nearby.

"This is so fun."

"Seriously-" he gripped the shovel harder and glared -"We're trying to hide a body."

"Oh? I hadn't noticed."

Sam gritted his teeth and looked seconds away from squeezing something. Or someone.

"No one is coming, right?" He asked.

I gave him a bored look. Then decided it was sweet to make him panic.

"I saw a police van around the corner."

Sam froze. I had to bit down on my lip to stop my giggle. Bro looked so hilarious.

"And you're just telling me now?" He whisper-screamed.

Dude was such a short fuse.

"Someone's veins are about to pop," I picked my nails.

"And someone needs to shut their trap," he spat.

We heard a twig snap. We both froze this time.

"Is that-"

"Shut it!" Sam snapped at me.

I was annoyed and going to reply him when suddenly, our eyeballs were blinded by a flashlight. Sam jolted five feet into the air. I resisted the urge to snort.

I squinted my eyes at the intruder and was able to make out the image of...the homeless man?

"The homeless man has a flashlight ?" I raised an eyebrow.

From my peripheral vision, I caught Sam give me a daggered look that I was surprised he hadn't burst a nerve...

"Aaand...cut!" the director yelled with a wide grin.

"Now, act three, scene-" the director started.

"And I'm out," Sam rolled his eyes.

I wiped the non-existent sweat on my forehead and left the stage. Glancing at Sam, I found him striding towards the back-door.

Yeah, we were back to not existing in each other's lives. I sighed.
© PurpleBird