


#self creation#

The present position you are now is as a result of a particular recurrent and consistent action. When you repeatedly undergoes an habit,with time it becomes part of you, knowingly or unknowingly. For instance you inculcate one new habit of waking up to read around 5am, with time you automatically wake up at that stipulated hour and walk straight like a "zombie", to your books even without fulling waking up.

Most times we want an habit to just improve once and make us unique, but it does not work like that.
Many times we tell ourselves that massive success requires massive actions, be it building a business, winning championship or gaining six-packs, becoming top in class or your field of study. So we let it slide down.

The fact is that taking 1% percent of your time to undergo an habit relating to your goal,everyday will help you achieve your goal. At first it is not noticeable, but at the long run it adds flames to your habit, and makes you recreate your self- status,indirectly achieving your goals.

Therefore, Go for that goal, break it into piece, change strategy when needed, success is not far off, it is within your reach.
