

MOM:-☺️Hey, Sweetie!How did your exams go ?

SON:-😐,Umm.....🙄Well,you know 🤗it was like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole ."

MOM:-🤔Oh no! was it that bad ?"

SON:-Lets just say ,I made the bell curve cry ."
MOM:- Oh dear! ☺️Did You at least manage to answer some questions?"

SON:- Yeah!😐,I answered the ones they didn't ask ."
MOM :-Well that's creative problem solving,I guess !"
SON :- Exactly!🤗I'm just setting new trends in test-taking
MOM :- Well, let's hope the grading system appreciates your avant-grade approach!"☺️

SON:- Fingers crossed!🤞But hey, at least I can always pursue my dream of becoming a professional meme maker."😎
MOM:Haha! That's the spirit! Always have a plan B ....and maybe a plan C or maybe upto Z cause my son dream has no limit ☺️

SON:-😎Yeah, I'll be the Elon Musk of memes , revolutionizing the internet,one meme at a time !"
MOM :-My Ghosh,my son is so genius 🥺,Just don't forget to credit your dear ☺️old mom when you're accepting your Nobel prize for Memetics....

SON:-Of course not!You will be my VIP guest at the ceremony ,seated right next to Grumpy cat 🐈
MOM:-Oh ,I'll be sure to wear my finest Cat-Themed attire!"
SON:-And I'll make sure to thank you in my acceptance speech,Mom . After all , you're the one who taught me the art of turning life's absurdities into laughter 🥺

MOM:-Aw🥺,Shucks !Now you're making me tear up ...or maybe it's just allergies."

To be continued........