

Blind love S1 E3
As Casey followed Rhea into a huge library,she gasped as the place was so big."Sorry the place is so dusty"Rhea says......"um so....where's the book?"Casey asks ,"It's somewhere around that section.Yes here it is"Rhea say as she points at a book and lifts it off the shelf. "Thanks Rhea"Casey says."Anytime.Its actually my duty "Rhea says ..."Your duty?.. what do you mean ?"Casey asks.."am actually Natasha's maid .At first she was cruel to me but now she actually kinda cool"
Rhea says ."I don't see the coolness.Lets get put from here it's really freaky"Casey says ."Can I tell you something buh you promise not to tell anyone"Rhea asks .."I promise I wont tell anyone "Casey says ."Ok sooo,the reason why Natasha is the way she is is because she is insecure. Even her mum is insecure "Rhea tells Casey. "Why do they have to be insecure they are rich and proud"Casey rolls her eyes while saying this ."Look...all am saying is that they have an issue in their family and that is why Natasha is like that"...Rhea says. "oh ,I didn't know but that doesn't give her the right to be mean to others" Casey says"I'll tell you the rest later.Am sure u need to take care of Tasha and I have to prepare her lunch"Rhea says. "I guess you are right"Casey says and then she goes upstairs and knocks Natasha's door.

"Rhea I told u am not In the moo....."Natasha says "Hi Tasha"Casey says ..."Oh it's you,what are you doing here ? and only my friends call me Tasha"Natasha says, "Am sorry Natasha! Am your babysitter so I wanted to know what to do" Casey says 'Look I know you're trying to help me and all but I don't need your help ,am 13 years for Gods sake"Natasha says "I thought she were ten "Casey says in her mind "I know you don't want a baby sitter but I don't think your mum wants to leave you alone all by yourself "Casey says "Fine "Natasha says while closing the book she's reading putting it in a locker and closing it "What's that?"Casey asks "It's none of your business but it's my diary anyways can you leave my room and when you get downstairs help me to call Rhea ok?"Natasha says and Casey leaves the room

Hey guys I've finished episode 3 .Hope you enjoy it.Whats do you think Natasha is writing in her diary? I've started writing Adrinette part 7 it's almost ready releasing today.Loves and kisses stay safe