

Out of reach pt .1
"Hey wake up, we're leaving soon. Oh ,I see you've already woken up". Said mom.
"Of course mom, why wouldn't I ? This is the most important moment of my life, or at least the start of it". I said as I gathered my luggage and made my way to the front door while mom followed behind. We started the car and we eventually drove off. "Are you ready for this,are you sure you didn't forget anything,what about your papers,do you have it with you?"
"You don't have to worry mom. I'll call you as soon as I land. "Sorry, I just can't believe my baby is growing up". I smiled and rolled my eyes as I said this. Mom was always a bit emotional or at least I thought so. Yes, she can be "weird",but I love her for it. Within a few minutes we got to the airport and Mom was just about to leave me to continue without her. "Wait chérie, I must capture this moment." l nervously smiled for the camera and then gave Mom a good bye hug . "I love you",she said as I walked my way to the plane. "love you too", I said.
I was so excited,my dreams were finally about to come true, Korea here I come!
*After landing*
"Elodie!", said a familiar voice from the crowd at Incheon National Airport, I looked around to see that it was Jisoo." Jiji !", I sqeeld. "Aneonghaseyo." "Huh?", I said looking like a goldfish. "Girl don't tell me you came here without knowing Korean."
"Of course I did. I just froze."I said.
"Froze,are you cold?"She said looking confused. "No, I just froze", I repeated.
How can you be cold, it's the middle of summer?" "No, I just froze", I said laughing this time. "Ah, I see. You want ice cream, well I know the perfect place to go."She said looking convinced. I reluctantly agreed even though I was tired and a bit irritated. Jisoo was French, just like me, but her family moved to Korea because her mom married again. Man I missed her so much. Thank goodness we were going to live together. She was studying journalism and I was studying to become a fashion designer."I'm tired Jiji, where are we going?" "We're obviously going home, it's almost dinner time and I haven't eaten". " Great, because I'm tied and hungry". We left the airport and drove off to Jisoo's house. I couldn't help but take pictures on the way. I mean hey,new city new pictures. " So how's journalism?". I asked getting bored from the silence. "Thrilling, I recently started a new project on ancient Korean warfare." "Oh,ok." I replied not comprehending what she said. " I still don't understand why you're doing this Elo. Wouldn't it be better to stay in Paris ?"
"I want to study Korean fashion, I already know about French fashion." " I hope you fulfil your dreams. Just know that Korea and France are completely different places, so your gonna have to work harder than you would in France". Jisoo pov: Elodie is extremely obstinate, I told her that it would be better to become a fashion designer in France before coming to Korea but this girl is too much. But since this is what she wants I'll support her. "Here we are", said Jisoo.
Jisoo's father was one of Korea's greatest business men so I wasn't surprised to see a luxurious 10 bedroom manchion,her family was loaded but still good people. We entered and found Mrs Min cooking Bouillabaisse and Parisian Flan, one of my favorites. " Bien venue ma chérie". Said Mrs Min as she came to hug me. She was one of those women that loved traditional meals,she even ran a restaurant back in France but then sold it to someone else. " I want you to change, rest and then we'll have dinner tonight. Jiji, show Elodie to her room". Jisoo lead me upstairs to a beautiful soft pink bedroom. I threw myself on the bed. "First change and then you can rest, where are your PJs?"She was always like a big sister, stricter and more mature too, but she can be fun. " What about that ice cream?" I asked. "There's no ice cream, I was just joking". " I had a feeling you were. Auntie doesn't even like ice cream." I replied. "Orientation Day is tomorrow, are you prepared?" Jisoo asked while taking out my PJs. "Of course. It's the start of my life in an actual Korean school. I even made notes and practice for any possible questions they might asked."
"I have no comments." Said Jisoo. "So you still think I should've stayed in France." I asked.
"A bit,yeah". She replied with a sigh. "Don't worry, I'm dead serious about this".
Within an hour we got down for dinner and we were all talking non-stop about Jisoo and I going to the same school again, even though she'd be a grade higher than me,it would still be cool.
Jisoo pov: It's getting late and Dad hasn't arrived yet. He'll probably come home late as usual because of those stupid business projects his doing.
Elodie pov: Tomorrow I'll finally be going to BT Academy and really start my way to becoming a Korean fashion designer.

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