

remember this day Rosemary! remember how you feel today Rosemary! remember all the tears you couldn't stop from falling (even when you tried)! remember the heartbreak that caused the anger to override Rosemary! remember how he showed you by his actions that it doesn't matter what you do (or don't do) or how much you control yourself. you're always going to get the same results in the end. and that's because he never wanted you or loved you the same way that you wanted him or loved him! remember how he kept you on the back burner. waiting in the balance for him and all those days and night she spent alone crying yourself to sleep. remember that he never planned on having a future with you. remember how often he chose to only spend one night or day with you out of a week and how much shit he talked about you when he wasn't around you! remember how he stopped going places with you and came up with places to go just to get away from you. remember that he never asked about you! remember all the loneliness you felt hoping and waiting for him to want to come around. I know that all of these things are painful and angry to remember or relive every time you think about them... but that is exactly the point!!! all of the pain and anger you felt or was caused to feel only made or makes you stronger!!! it has to be your fuel to the fire that forces you to finally walk away from those things that you know you don't want but what he chooses to only give you! you need to especially remember all of this for the next time he tries to show up and claim he missed or misses you! ONLY BE FIRM AND TELL HIM TO GO AWAY!!! TELL HIM YOU REFUSE TO BE TREATED ANYMORE HOW YOU DON'T WANT OR LIKE TO BE TREATED OR DESERVED TO BE TREATED FOR THAT MATTER!!!
everyone has their own idea or image of what they are supposed to be; therefore they don't exist they are simply fantasies!!! fictional, made up, not real! STAY STRONG ROSEMARY!!!
© GypsyRose80