

exams part 1
after lunch🍝🥗🍱
rosy ;;mom it was amazing👍😍
mommy! ;thanks sweetie
rosy ::ok now I have to go for my study
mommy;;ah ok
(in room)
rosy ;; now I have to study I can do it ᕙ(*•̀ᗜ•́*)ᕗ no matter who is my opponent I will do it 😉
(rosy turn on the timer)
(time 2;00 O clock)
*study *
*study *
rosy :: ok so I have done my half book 📕
(time ;;8;00 O clock)
mom!! ;;sweetheart lets take dinner 🍽🥩🥘first I have made your favorite nuggets
rosy ::OMG mommy I am coming
after dinner
rosy ;:lets talk with jisu
*ring * *ring *
jisu ;hello nerd

rosy ::hello how is your preparation going
jisu ;;what preparation
rosy ::yeah exams preparation
jisu ;;I have not started I am eating 🍴spicy noodles🍜 do you wanna eat
rosy ::nope I can't believe you have not started are you sure
jisu ::yes I am
rosy ::ok I will talk to you later
jisu ::buh bye
rosy ::bye
(rosy call Henry thier friend)
Henry ;;Hye
rosy ;;Hye do you know jisu has not started her study
Henry ::what I visited her in the afternoon her mom told she is studying from the last night
rosy! ;ah ok (a little bit confused)
Henry ;;mom is calling me bye
rosy ::bye
rosy ::why jisu why jisu 😒Why

to be continued

if you want to read the 2nd part follow me 😉and read the introduction of the story on my id
thanks ❤🌹