

PART ‎1::

Kingdom of Mycenae,

‏Sabastian stood by the casement of his house and kept staring at the falling of snow on the walk way the moment his little sister Sabrina hurried out from the cabin, ‏ten years old, ‏long blonde hair and beautiful collar bone of a princess.
"Brother, ‏doth not goats cry? " ‏she asked.
"Everyone does" ‏he played with her hair.
‏A middle aged man, ‏heavy hands and hairy face walked in silent, "so it is you who has just disturbed my peace." ‏a smile ran across his face. "Brother Rollo!" ‏she hugged him. "Dear, ‏have you fed the goats?"
"Yes brother, ‏I have. ‏I shall have a quick walk to the spring, ‏kids would be there."
"But it is cold out there be careful!"
‏She bounces of with her little jingling key on her skirt.
"So brother, ‏have you prepared." ‏Rollo pathed him on his shoulder.
"For what?"
"The feast tonight" ‏he laughed.
"what feast."
"Oh, ‏I believe you have not been around physically nowadays. ‏According to the news, ‏there would be a large feast tonight at the river side and there shall be plenty of food, ‏music, ‏drinks and most importantly, ‏there will be plenty of women and fine ladies to lay with, ‏to dance with and to take home," ‏They both burst into laughter.
"I love my fiance too much for that" ‏Sabastian said.
"But my friend, ‏watch out for there will be evil as well, ‏evil disguised in great beauty. ‏To keep thee from evil woman, ‏from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman, ‏lust not after her beauty in thine heart, ‏neither let her take thee with her eyelids. ‏For by means of a whorish woman a man brought to a piece of bread and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life."
"Yes brother, ‏I Understanth you."

‏In the twilight, ‏in the evening, ‏Lagretha helped Sabastian adjust his coat, ‏she stared into his shining blue ocean eyes that would identify even in plain darkness. ‏She was a woman warrior, ‏strong and persistent, ‏every lady wished to be like her in that Kingdom. "I'll miss you." ‏She said
‎"Miss what? ‏it's just a night"
‏"A ‎night ‎we ‎should ‎have ‎done ‎something ‎together ‎and ‎now ‎you ‎are ‎going ‎to ‎share ‎it ‎with ‎some ‎other ‎woman." ‏She ‎sighed. ‏
‏"I ‎would ‎never ‎do ‎such ‎Lagretha."
‏ ‏"hmm, ‏all ‎lies." ‏She ‎handed ‎him ‎a ‎neck ‎chain. ‏ ‏"Take ‎along ‎for ‎protection, ‏I ‎love ‎you." ‏She ‎whispered ‎and ‎watched ‎him ‎mount ‎his ‎horse, ‏ ‏blowing ‎kisses.

‏ ‏ ‏ ‏At ‎the ‎feast; ‏the ‎men ‎cheered ‎and ‎sang ‎along ‎to ‎the ‎song, ‏waiters ‎passed ‎around ‎with ‎drinks ‎and ‎meats. ‏They ‎cheered, ‏ ‏pulling ‎Sabastian ‎into ‎the ‎group. ‏
‏"Welcome, ‎welcome!" ‏A ‎man ‎shouted. ‏
‏"Hey," ‏Rollo ‎said, "why don't we leave you to go and feast with those pretty ladies over there." He gestured to the table across. "No thank you" Sabastian said
"Yes you can, it doesn't hurt to try once. Go! Go! Go! " The men pushed him.
Slowly, he approached them, trying to keep eyes off their seducing weapon. He wondered about like a snake who lost its head for a while but fortunately behind the crowd was something he had barely seen before, infinite beauty. Was a lady, young and beautiful, eyes of a goddess, lips of a princess carving, and hair of mermaid. She was undefinable. His heart led his feet next to her and sat for she was alone.
"Hello." A word escapes his lips.
"Hi, I taught no one would approach me, I love your courage handsome." Her voice was pure and attracting.
"Thank you. "
"I'm Aine, daughter of the one and only great sorcerer of a kingdom far far away. "
"Wow, I'm Sabastian "
"Not to talk much dear, tell me about your wife" her eyelids flicker.
"she's home, she's a lovely–"
"Say no more Sabastian, do you love her? "
"yes '
"No, you despise her and do not love her one bit and all you want is to be with only me and think of me, only for tonight though." She flickers again.
"Of course, a try won't hurt"
"I love your courage handsome," She held him and kissed him and with an impudent face said unto him, "I have peace offering with me; this day have I payed my vows, therefore came I forth to meet thee, diligently to seek thy face and I have found thee. I have decked my bed with coverings of tapestry, with carved works, with fine linen of Egypt, I have perfumed my bed with myrrh. Come let us take our fill of love until the morning: let us solace ourselves with loves." With no more words, he followed her.

In a small room, she uncovered her body, and layed on the bed, he stood for a moment and stared at her with pleasure. He went towards her as she made he last bewitchment "do this as hard as you can" she whispered in his ear.
He grabbed her waist and kissed her, pulling her in and he began to slide in slowly, she moaned loudly as he never stopped even if she begged...
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