

Mystery About Me (Chapter5: The Shocking Truth!!)
After three, four stops the bus reached to my school and the started getting off the bus. I didn't knew my class or any of my classmates so I decided to go to the staff room and check every student's list. There were a bunch of files kept and luckily there were no teachers in the room. I picked up all the folders and went to the girl's washroom so that no one can see a flying folder. I kept picking up each one by one until I found my name in it! What I saw next totally shocked me!
I've been coming to school daily; My attendance was full...Always present!
How could this be possible!? No one can see me and here I am attending school?! It doesn't make any sense. And even if I am coming to school daily then why are there missing posters of me!
I am totally confused and angry and sad and alot etc.etc.
Now there can be four reasons for what's happening over here:-
1)I don't know that girl in the poster is actually me and I don't know how I look....but, I am pretty sure that the girl on the poster Momo is me.😥
2) It's either that some is going to school in my place with my name?! which doesn't makes sense😣
3) This is all fake. I am just imaging things and nothing is happening. I have just gone mad and need a mental hospital right now😑
4) Or it is just a complete single nightmare that will end when the night will end.
Oh I wish it is a nightmare 😔
I don't know whats going on....I have no idea what to do!!
I just sat there on the toilet in disbelief; thinking of giving up and going back to live in the ocean. No other option is left .😭😢