

Boot Hill
The man was standing on a hill like a silhouette in the sky. The image of a sheriff standing on a hill called Boot Hill. Littered with tumbleweed and other dead growth, he stood lazily looking over at all of the graves. Many are unmarked although most bear a single name like Cool Luke or Blacky, just some young man who thought that being a fast gun made him a man.
Thinking of all the young men he had sent to this hill, he was unable to Shake the thought of a certain headstone, with the name boots scratched in the wood with a knife. For this was a Potter's Grave, and Many of the men the sheriff has had to kill are buried here. Sometimes he comes here to ponder his thoughts, but today seems to be different he just can't get boots out of his mind. Boots was a very rambunctious but kind. The kind of man. The kind of man that would help a stranger with nothing expected in return. That is the one time the sheriff felt bad about thaking the life of an outlaw .Thinking back he remembered something Boots had said as he drew his last breath. something about an old oak tree. now at the time the sheriff didn't know what that meant but after years of coming up to Boot Hill thinking about it has him wondering what this means.
Being a sheriff, knowing the Land of a 10 mi radius day or night, and has no recollection of any oak tree standing by itself so it remained a mystery for almost 10 years. Then one day a few of the sheriff's friends convinced him to go on a fishing trip one afternoon. It was very early and the sun was just about to come up, the rays shining over the mountains led straight to a tree on a little island in the middle of the lake. Yes it was an oak tree so as excited as he was he held it together for the rest of the trip, keeping from letting the secret out.
Standing at the edge of boots marker the sheriff kiked the dirt and knew what he had to do. first he needed a boat to get to that little island and he also needed tools for digging. just as much as supplies he would need an excuse to be gone from town. So he made a story that would keep him going for most of the night. Anyhow most of the townsfolk we're celebrating because of the Good harvest. With the streets cleared and all the other folk in the saloon the sheriff was able to sneak out without being noticed. As he loaded into the row boat he noticed that the moon was full and very high wish made it a very well-lit night.
He seemed to pull up at just the right spot as the boat was easy to pull up sure and it was some type of Beach. He made his way to the oak tree and found where two routes came together and formed somewhat of a whole. With a light shining over the hole he was able to dig out most of the rummage, until he felt something hard. As he pulled it out it didn't take much to break the lock off as it was mostly rusted through. Fortunately, the box was sealed very tight and the contents inside were not badly eroded. All together the box contained a wedding certificate a land title and about $12,000 mostly in bills. Now the sheriff knew the bank had been robbed but never believe that boots was involved. Also in the box was a letter written by boots giving up the names of the bank robbers and claiming his innocence. the sheriff being a law man returned the $5,000 to the bank and caught the robbers who were involved. Although he wasn't sure what to do with the rest. Sheriff was well-known in those parts as being one of the kindest and most giving men in the land he also gave old boots a proper burial in a real graveyard.