

Good day fellas.
I want to ask a question to seek for advice about something that’s troubling me.
My girlfriend and I have been dating for 4 years and some few months now.
We been through thick and thin and been there for each other always.
The only reason we aren’t married is for the fact that she is still in school and had one more year to go then we tie the knot.
Our families knows each other very well hence, she spends most of her time at my place and barely home (her parents).
On the 4/03/24 , it was a Monday, we were both home in the morning preparing to leave for work, when she got a call from her mom that she needed her to come home and help her with something.
So we both left home together and parted ways at the lorry station..
When am at work,we barely chat.
So around 3 o’clock pm she sent me a text message saying she would Come home with food from her mom’s place so I shouldn’t buy food.
I got home like 4 pm and she’s still not home , I sent her a message that am home, but no reply..
Well watching a movie to wait for her, I slept off…
I was awakened from the sleep by a phone call, from my girlfriend’s mom.
She told me over the phone that something had happened to Nana Yaa( my girlfriend) and been rushed to the hospital…
I asked about the location and went there straight away, upon my arrival, I got to know my girlfriend had passed away… All hell came on me that day….
Two weeks later the family decided to do the one week observation , communication between me and the family was very formal and everything seems fine. Until after the one week observation. The day after, I got a call from her mom, and she spoke to me very harshly, putting allegations and others things on me, even telling me I killed the daughter, so that I can marry someone else.
I was shock and that got me speechless, I couldn’t utter a word .. she further went on threatening me not to step foot at the burial else, it would be bloody.
After the call, other calls followed from other family members of hers.
All using harsh words and calling me names and for the threats, they were ever-following.
I told my family about it. They suggest I stay away from the funeral then.
But I don’t think I can. This is someone I have made my everything and really love and adore her, how can I not be at her final day on earth and pay my last respect.
Please I really need an advice.
What should I do?