

#3 The irony of nostalgia #3
for as long as he doesn't care
for as long as he doesn't see
stuck in his bubble of success
riveted on his ego
only a small price he had to pay for the accumulated wealth..
losing her..
only a small price to his "big picture"

She moves across the city , eventually finds a job and a cheap place to stay. Instead of the cheap motels she had unwillingly become accustomed to.

..Three months pass.
In order to take a step into her dreams as a fashion entrepreneur, she learns how to use social media and gambles her success on different platforms. She decided to take pictures of her final designs to post on instagram. a quick edit of the making process from scratch went to tiktok. whilst, her longer, vlog style videos were posted on to youtube. In there, she talked about herself, her progress and dreams, worries and inspirations. She hoped someone would find comfort in her words, and in turn she would be comforted by their comments or simple presence.
Though she avoided showing her face, with only her arms showing in most videos.

success isn't easy, she knew, but now she has the affirmation to this. 6 months into this gamble, yet no platform had taken off. It was exhausting to say the least. working all day to provide for her living expenses and coming back to work on her dreams, was a spell for a metaphorical nightmare.
one which she didn't know would be so nostalgic.
A mocking nostalgia.

Oh how ironic it was for her to remember him, the man she loathed, sitting in his desk and drowning in his work. A sight that mimicked hers at the moment.

she attempts to escape her thoughts.
she opens the window and a chill breeze embraces her. She closes her eyes to seek its comfort. She listens to the stasis of life, then the approaching traces of a car followed by the distant sound of a hovering airplane. She takes a deep breath before openning her eyes to
feast on the beauty of the night sky, imbued in serenity, and freckled with iredescent stars. What a gift from God to humanity.. with that she numbs all her stress and mutes the unwelcome thoughts

at the same time, a young man stared into the night sky with contempt. As if every shining star stole a bit of light from his yearning soul..

(to be continued)

© shahrazad