

Maybe the fault makes the stars shine brighter
Watching The fault in out stars got me into thinking that one night you could be so full of dreams, motivation to finish up your incomplete tasks, excited or curious about new opportunities, full of sorrows, questions seeking to find answers, revenges planned to be executed & just hopes to continue but next morning there could be nothing. Absolutely a void!

Death is inevitable. But you know what is scarier When is it going to come; how is it going to come & How painful is it all going to be. I know I know it is very absurd thinking about death being a complete healthy being. But is this actually a previlege? Living in denial worth it?

Ok enough about heavy traumatizing thoughts The love that Hazel & Augustus shared was so pure. He came as a sunlight to take away all the darkness from Hazel Grace's life, from our lives. He was actually a Hero, he made an impact. Living in oblivion though is scary, sometimes worth it.

But you know what is the harsh truth about this to called practical world, even the strongest man can't be strong enough when the cruel reality forcefully embraces you. His death was so near, cancer was eating him up. So positive methophorical Gus could not be anymore metaphorical. But all of it was more than worth it to watch.

What do I say about Hazel, so fragile yet so strong! They way she dealt with her own health knowing Augustus is dying. Her eulogy at Gus's pre funeral her climbing those melancholic stairs at Franks house is so miserable & makes me cry
But in the end makes me realise your reality could be painful but God definitely has certain surprises of hope and happiness in our way in the form of Augustus Waters to make it all bearable in the end. To make it all Okay!
© TheGloomyFire