

Different Worlds- 3- How Teenage Judi-15 came to be
I have 2 other "parts", Teenage Judi & Little Judi. These parts have "sub-parts". Little Judi- 2,3,7&9. & Teenage Judi- 13, 15&17. They call me "The Adult". After years of sexual Abuse that landed me in a mental hospital, my first Teenage personality manifested. Upto age 13 I only had "Littles". However, when I ended up in a mental hospital I received news too painful to handle. My mental state wasn't the best already & my brain decided to implement its firmiliar defense mechanism. My perp's lawyer informed my mother that he was asking for the charges to be dropped due to my "word not being credible because I was in a mental hospital".
When I learned this my brain switched. A new personality developed. A sad, depressed personality that dealt with all the "Abuse aftermath". This personality was very bitter and negative. At the time this was seen to be more of my Bipolar disorder and just being a mood swing. My Teenage personalities have always been the most disturbing to me. This sad/depressed personality was prone to suicide attempts... worse was my 15 year old personality.
About Teenage Judi-15. Do to the severe depression of Teenage Judi-13, I was often hospitalized. At age 19, I was sent to a long term hospital, Trenton Psych. I was there in 2 long stays, 1 & 1/2 years & then 6 months. One night during my second stay I was acting out & had to be restrained. I kept jumping off the gurney every time 3 of my 4 restraints were removed. When I'd jump off the gurney I would have to be put back in 4 point restraints for a longer period of time. After this process had gone on for over a day, the staff began ignoring me. Trenton Psych wasn't the cleanest facility. My wrists were in restraints & a bug was crawling up my arm. I was trying to get staff attention but was being ignored. I was screaming for what seemed like an eternity; the next thing I remember is waking up in my bedroom. I was in clean clothing, so at some point I had showered. Teenage Judi-15 was created.