

Burning Embers: What light on yonder windows
Our love was a wildfire, burning with a passion that could not be contained. Every kiss was a declaration of war against the forces that sought to tear us apart, every caress a promise of forever. In the quiet moments, we'd lay in bed, our hearts beating in sync, and talk about the future. We'd plan our wedding, the church adorned with lilies, her favorite flower, and our honeymoon under the stars in a place where the world was but a distant memory.

Ann Landers once said, "Love is a rose, but you've got to go through a lot of thorns to get to the good part." And it was true. Our journey wasn't without its thorns, but the beauty of our love made every prick worth enduring. We faced challenges with the tenacity of seasoned warriors, each setback only serving to strengthen the bond that held us together.

The seasons changed, but our love remained a constant. Winter's chill was forgotten in the warmth of our embrace, and summer's heat was a mere afterthought when we danced in the rain. We celebrated birthdays with reckless abandon, her laughter the sweetest melody to my ears. We watched other people's children grow, their milestones a gentle reminder of the life we hadn't yet built together. But in time, we knew that our hearts would not be complete without creating a family of our own. And we sang a song towards the future:

🎵 🎶
Little little words of love
Spoken with grace.
With thorns filled with love
My mind dwells in peace
Joyful like that of a dove

🎹 🎙️
Sing the lyrics
So colorful like an art
Let your voice
Be in resonance
With the rhythm of my heart
🎵 🎶

As the months turned into years, our dance grew more intricate, more profound. The laughter lines around her eyes grew deeper, and her smile grew more radiant with each passing day. We'd sit in the park, watching the seasons change, our hearts intertwined like the branches of an ancient oak. The whispers of the wind carried our secrets, the rustle of leaves a gentle reminder of the passage of time.

Our conversations grew richer, our love a tapestry woven with threads of shared experiences. We'd talk about the future, our dreams and fears laid bare. We'd argue about the best way to raise our future children, the kind of people we wanted them to become. And in those heated debates, we grew closer, our love a fortress that could withstand any storm.

The nights grew longer, and our bodies grew more familiar with each other's touch. The sweet agony of passion gave way to the gentle comfort of companionship. We'd lie in the dark, her head on my chest, listening to the steady beat of my heart. It was in those moments that I realized that I didn't just love her; I was in love with the very essence of her being, the way she breathed life into every corner of my existence.
