

Mysterious Woman😫
It was 1:16 am, My Grandpa was riding back on his bicycle from farm after lot of work. He was very tired, so he slowed down his bicycle on the midway. It was fully farm area, all over trees,field,street dogs...and He was middle of it. Then suddenly he noticed an aunt with harvested crops carrying on her head..As it was late night, my grandpa thought to help her and give her ride on the back sit.
The woman agreed and sat back his sit..but dont know in midway itself 5 mins close to reach home, the street dogs stopped their way and started barking. Thinking the woman would get scared, my grandpa started to make dogs runaway after continous yelling, the dogs ran away.
Finally my grandpa reached home..but there was noone on the backseat, My grandpa was amazed because he didnt even realise when the woman got off the bicycle.😲

So was there really a woman on the back seat? Or it was my grandpa's illusion as he was tired😐?
Or it was something paranormal😫😐......

Its just a fictional story, no characters are real..😁
First time tried writing horror story😅.
© quotesvibes_amna

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