

I never left my hope or rather my hope never left me. For me my hope was my mother. Every time I fell down she picked me up so I could fly again. She was the person I always had with me no matter what happened. Everyone has their someone who are their hope. Hope is like a thread that is tied between you and your sanity. Never ever leave your hope. And love the people around you for all the reason they can't love you back. Never lose hope. Because it keeps you going everywhere. Every sunrise gives us hope that today will be the best day of our life. Every sunset gives us hope that tomorrow will be an even better day than today. It's never over no matter what. Falling and getting up back is just another way to a beautiful destination. So love everything you can and keep smiling because you have no idea how seeing you happy can make someone's day. Be happy and make others happy... 😊😊