

That Razors Edge Called Desire.
They say the eyes are the window to the Soul. And they are right, because some Souls get exactly what they want. For no other reason other than passion. And those people the ones whom are filled with light, Stir something inside others called the fine line between pleasure and desire. They have an un canny ability to make the world seem to stand still when they take a lover to the ragged edge, of self discovery. Almost as if to look into there eyes is to see the greatest version of our self perceived through them as a mirror to or strengths, and self confidence. When those types take a women to bed, woooo watch out because what comes next will wreck the very possibility for another man to ever pleasure that girl again. And it always starts with a look.

Its the early mourning hours, on a beautiful sunny summer's day. The birds are mid production of a mourning song.
The smell of star thistle and cut grass fill the summer air in California; and the rising sun has Crested the mountain peaks the east. He is mid meditation, sun gazing, filling his body with light. He catches the smell of artisan coffee on the air, and it makes him smile because he had been waiting for his lady to wake up.

There relationship can be explained as residing somewhere between friendship and the kind of sex that makes you want to close the blinds, turn the phones of and drift into a three day marathon, you know the kind that pisses you of when your mother calls to tell you about something stupid. And you get mad not because your mother called but because someone had the audacity to snap you back into thinking about anything else.
And tandem to that is when; That happens you know he just won't stop. And the half successful attempt to maintain a casual conversation with your mother in dubiously negated by multiple orgasms. To the point where she ask "is everything think ok honey" And this just makes you cover your mouth trying not to laph because of the irony of the aforesaid question. Then on top of all that you experience a laphing orgasm and that just makes it even funnier, almost to the point of irritation for the whole event. And that just makes him laph because you just hung up on your mother.

So back now to the mourning and coffee.
having smelled the coffee and knowing then that his lady is awake. He thinks to himself I wonder if I should make breakfast or if we should go out to breakfast? he is pondering these thoughts as he walks in to the kitchen and opens the refrigerator to grab a beer. (because he doesn't care what people say is right or wrong he lives by his own heart). She is standing at the counter making herself a cup of coffee, and she looks over at him thinking; I wonder why he didn't say anything to me when he walked in? she can't see his face, but that thought just makes him smile because, it was exactly what he was waiting for. But it's the thought that comes next that is the catalyst to the events that follow.
She then thinks OMG he's sexy. Almost on que to this thought he turns his whole body towards her and looks at her with something like a glare and a look combined. To the point where it almost startles her; followed by her thought, percieved by him as. He looks at me like he's looking into me, like hes the predator and I'm the pray. And to this thought he can't help but to crack a little smile because he knows; her thoughts are about to run away with her very ability to maintain self control. And that is exactly what happens because this immediately turns her on. And she trys very hard to hide it. But he can see her squeeze her legs together and shuffle her feet just a bit. But what she dont know is that he can see the light inside her, her aura and he is watching it as the fire red light grows between her legs. As she is no dought beginning to get wet, he loves it when he turns her on so much that she leaks. And he knows this is what's coming. Perhaps she half catches on to this and smirks a little as he adjusts him self for a little more confort.

You see they love to play games centered around there attraction to each other, they love to tease and toy with each other untell one or the other gives in. And both have some very special spiritual gifts that many do not.

Now seeing the effect he was waiting for. And she having turned back to her task at hand, but thinking to her self (shit he got me. He freaking knows exactly what he is doing) and wondering to her self how he can read her like an open book.
her thoughts go directly to her womanhood, that is now twitching and the harder she squeezes the tighter and wetter she gets. and she is shure at this point if she starts walking at all, she is going to have an orgasm. lost in thought she half forgets he was even standing there she gets lost in this thought untell she feels him pull her into him and running his fingers up through her hair so as to send a quiver down her spine, he turns her head just enof to bite her very lightly on the neck and give her a kiss. She is so focused on this because of that said quiver she almost doesn't realize that his hand has made it's way down and with the whole of his hand he grabs her just hard enof to cup her whole vagina followed by just a slight raking of his fingers tips up her slit as a sensual touch to make her quiver again but this time from the bottom to the top. He can feel how wet she is, and she pushes her self into him. But like I said that love playing games so he says "good mourning baby" and gives her another little kiss. and walks out into the front room smiling ear to ear because he knows he has her and the more he teases her the harder she is going to orgasm. but this time he is going to give her such an orgasm that she has an out of body experience. so he smiles and wait like a lion in the grass.

to be continued