

The adventures of Manikandan-Episode 4
As expected, my aunt is driving the whole family crazy. But in this whole situation there is a sigh of relief for me. Our school is organising a whole two week tour to Vishakhapatnam, approximately 800 km away from Chennai and to be very honest with you, I am into this kind of stuff. Now I just have to convince mom and dad but it is gonna be really hard to do so, because I don't think that they will send me so far for such a long time. But it was worth a try.
At noon, when the Lunch was being served, I suddenly got up and while shoving the consent letter in their faces, asked for their permission. And as expected, they said " NO " and I became silent and sat down. The topic for discussion that evening was the permission for my trip. Half of the people ( mom, dad, Grandpa, Grandma, my other uncle and my little cousins) were saying no but the other half ( my mom's brothers, my other aunts and my little sister) were saying yes. I was so exhausted that without saying anything , I started going up to my room. Just then Urmila aunty spoke up, " Oh come on everyone, let him go. It's just two weeks, not a whole year. You all need to be a bit modern." This was it for me. Everyone was really surprised and apparently, her opinion did matter. The next morning mom was seen packing my bags and stuffing uttapam in it. Everyone decided that I needed to explore the outer world. So this was it. I am going to Vishakhapatnam next week.
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