


There two dead body found first one is of sahil and anotherone is of rakesh. Now this case have become sensational news in media. therefore is case is under taken by cid. were inspector Ayush is in charge of this case. He investigated and foud no clue. He send both bodies for forensic office. Where doctors found that there heart are missing. After 3 days of investigation they found a victim who is already look like he is to much fear of him. how ever he is manage to describe him that he his about 175 cm height. He is dark complex in color. His eyes are white and red in color. From is mouth continually blood is flowing. He use to cut there hand and drink there blood. This is not first time its happen it happening after every 5 year for 10 days. Now only 50 hours are left. After that he will be disappear for next 5 year and live and live like a normal man and no one will find him. Telephone is ring inspector pick up the call. And answer Hello and some one reply WELCOME and line cut.
After 3 hours some one came and told him be found 5 more dead body........................
............to be continued

if u have not read first and second part please read that than read this