

School Crush
It all sprang when I first noticed him leaning to the partition of the playground with his fellow. When I crossed, he commented by saying 'show off'. I overlooked and walked away as I didn't even know him at that moment.
At that time, there was a buzz in our campus about me and a different guy and several believed I fancied him. So to get out of these I chose to tell my friends that I am into someone else. They began enquiring who it was but, I myself didn't know that. One day they pestered me a lot and I don't know how and why but HIS name befell to my lips. I began noticing him further to keep up with my fabrication, started following him on Instagram. I realized we share the likewise viewpoints in most of the things. I ascertained him distinct from the rest. It was all fake until it became genuine without even me realizing it.
Then one day I mustered my nerve and responded to his story and we had a short chat. From that day we began having short conversations in Instagram but we never spoke from school.
One day we were conversing and I complimented him for something and he was like " thanks sis". That day my heart smashed but, I was able to come out of it.
One day he came to know from someone I admired him and he messaged me and asked whether it is valid. I was so nervous that day. I didn't want to admit to him ever. But when he asked I couldn't lie to him. So I said him 'yes it is merely a crush', nothing serious. He said me 'you are like my sister and I don't do relations' and asked me to forget about it. That day I was upset. From that day our chats kind of settled. It became awkward for me to talk to him.

(let me know if u liked it)