

Singles' Ministry--- Day 3
Singles Ministry---Day 3

“Sometimes I feel like I am betraying You. He and I are on so different. I know everything I have, everything that I am and will be is because of You…he’s never tried to change my mind, but at the same time…”
Nadia and Rob fell into a comfortable routine of watching various football and basketball games together on TV. They both shared a passion for college sports and certain professional sporting teams and players as well. They had just finished watching an intense game. The team the duo was cheering for lost. Rob wasn’t ready to leave yet, so he stuck around while the late-night highlight show started.

Rob stretched out on the couch. “Aaaah. I could lay on this couch forever; it’s so comfortable.” He grabbed one of the throw pillows, rested his head on the arm on the couch, and pretended to fall asleep.
Nadia smirked and gave him a side-eyed glance from her seat on the couch opposite him. “Yeah, okay. You can try it if you want to.”
Rob acted like he did not hear her and continued to his rouse. Nadia paid him no mind. She turned her attention to the television and the Top 10 plays of the day.
Rob allowed the count down to get to number six before he finally opened his eyes. He reached over from his spot and slapped Nadia on her thigh. His lingered for just a moment. Nadia shot him a warning look then cracked a smile as she shook her head at his antics.
He plays too much. Nadia thought to herself.
She wasn’t mad at him though. She could never be mad at Mr. Robinson Keyes. He was a giant kid. His emotional state the night of the accident was the only time Nadia had seen Rob be serious about anything for a long period of time.
Tonight, was no different. He laid there, sprawled out on the couch, staring at Nadia with a glint in eyes. He had a habit of pulling out all of the stops in an attempt to get a reaction out of Nadia. Unlike her sister Nadira, Nadia was laid back. People often mentioned that Nadia had a calm spirit. Not much got to her. She had the ability to regain her composure almost as soon as she would lose it.
Rob cracked a smile as he broke their eye contact. He dropped his head to look at the throw pillow then returned to looking at Nadia. His eyes had so much hope in them. “What are you doing tomorrow?”
Nadia smirked. “I’m going to church in the morning.”
Rob’s body tensed. He sobered immediately. He cleared his throat but didn’t utter a word.
Nadia arched her eyebrows and gave him one of her signature sideways glances. “What? You want to go with me?”
Rob sat up on the couch. The man who was a giant teddy bear bristled at the invitation. He shook his head. “Nah, I’m good.” He rubbed the back of his neck.
Nadia picked up on the shift in the room. She knew Rob was uncomfortable, but she didn’t understand why he became so distant. She tilted her head and studied Rob for a moment. He refused to make eye contact with her. He chose to focus on the TV. Nadia knew there was no way Rob was that enthralled by a tampon commercial.
Nadia took a deep breath and released it slowly. “You don’t like church?”
Rob shifted in his seat. “Nah I…” he took a frustrated breath “Look, Sis, can we talk about something else…not this.”
Sis? Nadia had become accustomed to Rob addressing her by ‘Na-Dee’ or Nadia, Sis, was not on the list and she didn’t like it. “No. Let’s talk about it…You don’t like church…okay…soooo do you believe in God?”
Rob immediately tossed his head back. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. He released his breath long and hard. Rob took some time to formulate his response. He knew Nadia’s relationship with God was extremely important to her. He respected her right to believe in whomever or whatever she wanted, but he wanted no parts of it, as was his right. Rob knew the topic would come up eventually. There was no way he could spend so much time with the faith-filled Nadia Taylor and it not come up. That was one of the reasons why Rob tried to put some distance between them, but there was something different about Nadia; she intrigued him. She was intelligent, funny, attractive, talented, and mysterious. Curiosity got the best of him and he spent as much time with Nadia as much as his busy schedule permitted.
Now he was paying the price for the growing connection he shared with her. Rob knew she wasn’t going to allow him to change the subject. The woman had the patience of Job, so he knew there was no way he was leaving without answering her questions.
Rob shifted in his seat. He couldn’t get comfortable if he tried. “I believe that there is a god or creator, I just don’t know if I believe in the God that people talk about.”
Rob waited for Nadia to say something, but she didn’t say anything. Instead she looked at him intently. Nadia knew there was more on his mind and she chose to listen than to respond.
Realizing she waiting on him, Rob continued “I mean. There are so many fake people in church. They judge, they cuss, they sin, but they are so quick to point out everyone else’s flaws, but they ain’t perfect. Then you have these pastors taking all the money. Like what does a pastor need with a mansion, a plane, and millions of dollars. Meanwhile, there are people in their city starving. Why not use that money to open up their megachurch up to give the homeless a place to stay? Use that money to build the community…it’s just not a good look. But I’m going to hell because I choose to live my life, my way.: Rob’s passion for his beliefs could be felt with the delivery of each word.
“I don’t know it all sounds suspect to me. I’ve talked to people who claim they are Christians and they are no different than me. They just add Jesus to whatever they’re doing. They say ‘God knows their heart’ and I’m like yeah, it’s dirty. Plain and simple. What kind of Christian doesn’t read the bible? I’m just saying, it all sounds like a scam. Something they fed us to get us to comply. I read a lot and from what I read; I think all this Jesus stuff is a lie.” Rob shrugged.
Nadia waited until she was sure he was finished speaking before she responded. She processed all she heard, nodded, and took her time to find the right words to say.
“Well believing in something is better than nothing. I’ve never really understood how someone could believe that we just happened to be…anyway…one thing I’ll say is, I have never, nor will I ever force my faith on someone. I asked what you believed because I’m trying to get to know you and what you believe is a part of who you are…” Nadia paused again to gather her thoughts “Now you make some valid points. Church buildings are full of people who simply do not practice what they preach, but another person’s shortcomings shouldn’t stop you from believing. I heard someone say ‘not going to church because hypocrites attend is like saying you’re not going to go to the gym because there are fat people taking up space.’ We can control only what we can control. I cannot stop someone else from sinning, but I can make the choice to do what’s right. I mess up. I’m not perfect, but I thank God for His grace everyday. Yes, there are some messed up people in the pulpit. I wish they would use their resources and influence to build communities instead of blowing it on selfish material things, but again that’s something they will have to explain when their time comes.”

Nadia stopped to gauge Rob’s feelings. He didn’t interrupt so she continued “I read a lot from every perspective. I took myself out of a church building and went looking for truth. I found it in Jesus. I found evidence for him in science, in historical text, and then I experienced him for myself. Once I came to that conclusion there was nothing else…nothing else could fill that void.” Nadia bit her lip. She didn’t want to preach and she wasn’t trying to persuade Rob one way or the other. Like she had said earlier, she wanted to get to know him and she felt it was necessary for her to show him another part of herself. If he came to the faith it would because he wanted to…Nadia could tell he had questions. His eyes often spoke when words failed him. Don’t push. Nadia thought to herself. This may have been the first time they talked about faith, but Nadia wanted to be sure it wasn’t the last time they discussed the subject.
Rob nodded his head. He had a lot to think about. He didn’t think Nadia was going to change his mind, but she was so sure, so passionate. Maybe there was more to this Jesus thing than he first thought.
“I feel you. I can respect that.” Rob said. He knew there was something better he could’ve said, but he was ready to change the subject.
Rob and Nadia mulled on their conversation in their minds. The silence grew, but they were content with the quiet.
Come back tomorrow to continue Rob and Nadia’s story