

The Asteroid:

"The asteroid is heading undeterred towards us. We're doomed," the newsreader quoted, her face ashen.

"Mommy? Are we all gonna die?" Lucas tugged on my coat. I looked down at my son, his brown eyes wide and questioning.
"No, we are not gonna die. They just want to scare us."

It was the same words over and over again. The scientists always thought the Earth would be destroyed, and every day it wasn't.
Everyday we survived. I was on my way back home with my boy, and I felt a drop of rain on my neck. Unfolding my umbrella, we hurried on with haste.

We finally made it home as the heavens came crashing down. Lightning filled the sky, and Lucas hugged my leg. His father had left us when he got himself killed saving a few people from a burning building. Everyone made it out alive except for him. I blink away tears and remove my coat. The air felt chilly and I shivered, making my way to the kitchen.

"Would you like a mug of hot chocolate?"I asked, putting the water cooker on.

Lucas replied, "With extra marshmallows?"

"With extra marshmallows."

Fifteen minutes later, we were snuggled together on the couch, our stomachs full and our bodies warmed. The tv was playing and the rain stilled. Everything felt perfect. That's when the world decided to end.

One second we were cuddled watching our favorite show, and the next our roof was crashing down. The walls crumbled around us and the ground shook. Dust fell from every corner, and we sat there, too shocked to move. Then there was silence.


A cry woke me up as I screamed in pain. "Help! Help me! Lucas, where are you?" I was in a panic, my leg pinned to the floor with a beam, my boy nowhere to be seen. A wreck of ceiling and beams were strewn in piles around me, my lungs screaming everytime I tried to breathe. I could feel panic set in as I began to hyperventilate.

White noise took over my ears and I sobbed in defeat. "No," I thought to myself, "You have to be strong. You have to save your son." Another cry erupted from nearby and I saw a woman running toward me. A medic. Help was coming.

"My son!" I yelled, coughing up a handful of dust, "Where is he? Is he safe?" I could feel panic rising up again in my chest, and I continued to sob. I cried, and then I couldn't stop.

A white light hit my eyes as I opened them. I blinked, adjusting to my soroundings. A nurse was a few meters away from me, searching in a cabinet. I swallowed back a sour taste in my throat and croaked out, "My son, where is he?"

"Ma'am, please stay calm. Your son, he was badly injured, but he's stable. Right now, we need to worry about you. Your leg was crushed by the weight of the beams and many bones were shattered. You were lucky that's the only injury you accumulated. Your whole house collapsed along with a most of the houses in your neighborhood. Many weren't as lucky.

"What happened?" I choked down tears. I needed more answers. "Was it the Asteroid?"

The nurse replied, "No ma'am. Of course not. If it was, we wouldn't be functioning right now. No, it was just a little pebble of a meteoroid. I'd hate to imagine what would happen if there was an actual Asteroid. Human civilization might be wiped out."

"When can I go home with my son?" My mind was racing. A pebble had caused all of this? Killed people and put my son in a position that he had to fight for his life. The nurse voiced my last question.

"But ma'am, you're house was destroyed. Do you have any other family to stay at? You'll have to find a new home. "

We had nothing anymore. Just each other, and I will never let go.

The End of Chapter 1:

Comment down below if you want a Chapter 2 👇 and have a great day!! 😊

© Adaiah