

My Amazing Fantasy World
Chapter One
Aurora's POV:
I was at my modelling shoot one day when I got an anonymous call from an unknown number.I was surprised because I didn't socialize much and I never gave out my number to anyone.
I picked up the call and I was shocked to hear who was speaking on the other line.
Hello,my name is Enoch the CEO of Enny Wears and I would love to propose an offer to you,I want you to be the model for my newest brands.
I was so excited,I put my phone on hold and ran to tell my assistant the good news.
Stacy guess what,I just got an offer to work with Enny Wears and the CEO himself presented the offer to me.
That's wonderful news are you gonna accept his offer,Stacy asked excitedly.
Of course I'm accepting the offer, it's the exposure I've been trying to give my career, it'll help take my work to it's highest peak.

I picked up my phone and told Enoch I was accepting his offer and we finalized a date to meet up and discuss a few things.

Chapter Two
I woke up feeling excited,I cleaned my house took a bath got dressed and had my breakfast before leaving my house. I decided to walk to Enoch's company because I felt so energized and also the building wasn't that far away.
I got to the company and walked in with a smile as I greeted the receptionist and she warmly greeted me back.
I told her about my appointment and she told me Enoch was in a meeting and would meet me shortly.
Everyone I saw was so nice and all greeted me with kind smiles.
After a few minutes, Enoch came out of his office and headed to the waiting area where I was seated.
As he approached me,it was like the warmth I felt before had never existed,all the workers had serious faces and they all stayed silent as Enoch walked down the stairs.
The minute he got to me,I felt a chill go down my spine as he narrowed his gaze at me.
He looked at me for so long I thought he would burn a hole through me with his gaze.
After what felt like forever,he turned and started walking back to the office and I followed silently.

Chapter Three
We got to the office and he told me to sit and he handed me two files,one was about my modelling job and the other was about my part-time job of being a renovator and interior designer.
Enoch told me I had the liberty of making changes to anything that was uncomfortable or inappropriate by my standards.
It took me a while but after going through the papers a few times,I handed them back to him.
Enoch read through them in an awkward silence and the silence was killing me,I felt like sinking into my seat.
Enoch finally spoke after what felt like ages,he told me he would send me the address I was to renovate and then he left.
When he left I felt like I could breathe again,like the weight of a mountain was lifted off my chest.
As I was on my way back home I noticed a man dressed in all black trailing behind me but I shook off the feeling I was having.
Enoch had sent me the address of the place I was to renovate and after checking it out,I was heading to the grocery store when I saw that same man again.
This time I knew it wasn't just some random coincidence so I quickly bought all the things I needed and rushed back home.

Chapter Four
I made sure to lock all my doors and windows before proceeding to cook my lunch and watch TV.
I was getting ready to go to sleep at 11 when I got a call from Enoch.
He apologized for calling so late and told me he wanted me to accompany him to a party,his voice was so much softer that I refused to believe it was the same person I spoke with today.
He sounded so sincere. I went to pick out a dress I would wear and I chose an off shouldered midnight blue dress that went all the way to my ankle and it had a little slit at the side and I wore some matching heels and a small purse with my dress.
I coiled the ends of my hair and put on a light pink shade of lip gloss and then I took my jacket which also matched with my dress.
I picked up my phone and put in my purse and waited for him outside on my porch swing.
When he got to my house,I could tell he was stunned because he just stared at me until I snapped my fingers in front of him.
He opened the door for me and we drove off to the event. We sat down with two of Enoch's friends who also had modelling companies.
We chatted for a while until it was time for the award ceremony and after that the event ended and we all exchanged numbers. Enoch then drove me home.We said goodbye and I went to sleep.

Chapter Five
I decided to go buy some things I would need for the renovation. I called my team and we got straight to work. In a couple of weeks we we're done.

There was a garden outside accompanied with a water fountain and a swimming pool at the back of the house. The inside of the house was white.
White wallpapers, floor tiles, couches, pillows and mattresses.The curtains,rugs,bed covers,and table mats were sky blue.The kitchen counter tops were platinum and white coloured marble.
I called Enoch after sending him a photo of the house and then he told me the house now officially belonged to me.
I was so happy,I immediately went to pack my things but then something ruined my happy mood,I saw my stalker again.
I went back into the house and called Enoch and when he got there and I told him everything,he said he'd arrange a driver for me but I told him not to worry that I had someone who would drive me.
He told me to stay there and he quickly drove over to my old house,got my things for me and helped me in arranging some other things,he even stayed with me for two weeks and refused to go to work.

Chapter Six
Then one day,he went out for a while and came back drunk and then he did the unthinkable,he kissed me.
He tried to apologize and i forgave him immediately because I didn't blame him and I told him to just go clean himself up and give me a few minutes to process what just happened.
He went upstairs and I sat on the couch,as I was thinking about what just happened a brick flew through my window and Enoch immediately rushed down and asked me if I got hurt,I told him I was fine.
He took the brick and read the note that was attached to it "YOU DONT BELONG HERE COUNT YOUR DAYS IM ALWAYS WATCHING"Signed Liam.
As I looked at the note in his hand I screamed and fell back on the couch,Enoch asked what happened and I told him IT'S WRITTEN IN... BLOOD.
He took me to my room and told me to try and rest that he would be beside me as I slept.
I tried to sleep but instead had a frightening nightmare and just like Enoch said he was there to comfort me.I soon fell asleep again because I felt calm and safe in Enoch's arms.

Chapter Seven
The next morning, Enoch told me he was going out to get a few things and asked if I felt okay staying by myself,I told him I was fine that i could manage myself since he would only be gone for ten minutes but well guess I was wrong.
A few minutes after he left,a fire started in my backyard and soon enough the house caught fire,I was able to escape before the house went up in flames and luckily I had my phone with me. As I was trying to call Enoch after I ran far from my house, someone put a cloth over my mouth and pulled me into a van and drove off.
I woke up in an abandoned warehouse tied to a chair .

Enoch's POV
I was walking back to the house when my heart sank to my stomach the house was on fire andthe fire department was trying to put out the fire.
I went to one of the firemen and asked if anyone was in the building when it caught fire and thankfully there wasn't anyone in the house that means Aurora was still alive.
I called her phone but it wasn't going through, I started sweating and tried her number again,I heard her ringtone and ran to where I heard it from,it was on the floor and it was cracked.
I ran to the police station and asked them to check the footage of the CCTV cameras I placed outside the house across the street from where Aurora was staying.
It had footage of the people and the van that took her away and thankfully it was able to capture their plate number.

Chapter Eight
Aurora's POV
I had been here for weeks and I neither saw or heard anyone coming to the warehouse.Then one day I heard police sirens and Enoch came into the warehouse and untied me. As we were going, someone came from behind and stabbed Enoch but as he tried to flee the police caught him.
I carried Enoch to the ambulance and I got in with him.
The nurse asked me if she could clean and bandage the cuts on my wrists and arms since they were minor injuries and I agreed.
When we got to the hospital I patiently waited outside till the doctor told me that I could go in.
I went into his ward and started apologizing but Enoch told me it wasn't my fault but his instead.
He told me the person that kidnapped me was his childhood friend Liam.He said they both promised to open a company together but because Liam became too greedy,he lavishly spent all the money he was given by his father. Enoch said he tried to help him but instead Liam just cut off all ties with him and a few years after Enoch's company had become successful,there was a news report of Liam being involved in a terrible car accident and after that there was no news from him so Enoch thought he died and continued with his life.
After a few weeks Enoch was discharged and some years later he proposed to me.

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