

Untold stories of sacrifices

Sachin along with his mother stay in kashmir,which is dangerous place for attacks like bombing and kidnapping of people. Sachin was eagerly waiting for call of his father,who is soldier.Three hours passed by, their was no call yet...
Sachin shouted his mom and said " mummy! when will dad call, I want to talk to him,I miss him!"
Ramya replied calmly "your dad is busy, fighting to protect motherland from evil people, he is hero!. your hero will call us soon!"
Sachin felt sad and said" mummy my birthday is coming soon! will daddy visit us on my birthday! I want to celebrate my birthday with my dad and mom I want a new bag for school as birthday gift and chocolates for my friends"..
Ramya said " yes I will ask your dad about it! and about your birthday gift, If you behave like good boy, I will give you!"
Ramya was worried about his husband whereabouts and she is too missing him. It has been a long time, soldier didnot return to his home.
Sachin returned from school, his all clothes were dirted with mud and uncleaned. Observing this Ramya got worried and hurriedly asked Sachin " Did you fight with your friends at school? or someone bullied you!"
Sachin cryingly replied " mummy! my friends bullied me and they hurt me alot! its paining"
Ramya asked " Didnot you fight back to defend yourself!"
Sachin replied " mummy! As you said If Iam good boy, dad will come at my birthday and you will bring me new bag!. As you said good boy never fights, I didnot fight with them. I want to meet daddy!"
Ramya was emotional and tears rolled down her cheeks and she huged his innocent child. She whispered "Your daddy will come oneday!...."
Day by day sachin was becoming sad and silent.He was eagerly waiting near telephone for his dad call.He was daily checking post box whether their is any letter from dad.Ramya was feeling very sad and helpless to see his son sad and restless.Finally she got an idea and she started writing a fake letter describing its from soldier to his son. She wrote in letter stating " Dear sachin, happy birthday in advance! Iam missing you so much.This time I cant come on your birthday but I will try to come soon and bring you many gifts and toys.I promise once I come, I will take you and mom to your favourite places! Till then be like a good boy and take care of mom!". Ramya placed that fake letter in letter box of home. Next day, sachin checked and found letter. He happily opened letter and read it.
After reading letter, he silently went into room and started crying.Ramya tried to make him happy,but he was sad and keep on refusing to go to school. Ramya whispered " Your birthday is coming after two days! Iam thinking to organise a party at home and lets invite your friends. Your dad will come soon. Let me buy you new clothes,new bag , new toys as your birthday gift.When your daddy will come,we will scold him and say him to be with us always!". Sachin excitedly said " ok mummy lets organize party and lets do shopping for my birthday, but mummy you promise me that dad will come soon after my birthday?". Ramya replied " yes! I will write letter to him to saying to come and meet us soon, but lets go shopping first! we will buy new bag which you like most!".
sachin was very happy and excited for his birthday.It was 14th august,it was birthday of sachin!. Sachin wore his new clothes and new bag, packed chocolates for friends. Ramya was happy for seeing his son in happy mood. Ramya said " I will decorate home for your birthday party,be a good boy at school and invite your friends!. And she hugged him and dropped to his school.
Ramya was busy in cooking foods for party, suddenly someone knocked the door. Ramya opened door, she was in shock. Few people enquired whether this is sachin's home. Ramya replied " yes what happened..".. They carried dead body of sachin and placed it on ground. ramya was shocked,she lost her son and her only world. People said " There was attack in school, all children were shot by gun,we found dead body of your son and bought him".
Ramya hugged sachin tiedly and whispered " Hope you met your dad in heaven,you can celebrate birthday with him.Your mom will soon come to meet you. Sorry sachin I lied to you about your dad, he died on border in war..."


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