

Reclaiming Bhartiya, or India’s Sanatana civilization, goes beyond mere economic pursuits. The world sees India as an alternative.
Reviving Sanatana Dharma means reviving the essence of righteousness. Dharma cannot be seen as a cult or religion. It is fundamentally the balancing force of existence.

Thus, all epics like the Ramayana or Mahabharat are a reflection of the manifestation of that divine force that comes to strike the balance that has been disturbed by the Adharmic (unrighteousness) forces.

So it will be good and sustainable not only for the Hindus but also for the world, including all the species around.

1: Reviving the Temple Economy:

We have to understand that temples in ancient Bharat served as not just places of worship but also centers of economic, cultural, and social activities.

They acted as patrons of local artisans, craftsmen, and traders. Reviving temple economies can boost local businesses and employment opportunities.

They have been traditional hubs for promoting the arts, music, dance, and literature. By revitalizing temple economies, there is a chance to revive and sustain these cultural practices, ensuring they are passed down to future generations.

Reviving temple economies can strengthen community bonds and provide platforms for collective action on various social issues.
Apart from providing various types of education, temples are traditionally engaged in philanthropic activities, such as providing food, healthcare, and education to the needy. It will address societal needs and surely inculcate a culture of compassion.
Thus, reclaiming and reconstructing the Lord Ram temple in Ayodhya should be seen as a cultural renaissance, and such steps should be promoted in the future.

2: Cultural Identity:

The majority of the Indians are still under the euphoria that their ancestors came from elsewhere, and so the motherland disconnect is quite visible. This proves that the decolonization process was not exercised as soon as the British left. The English education system reflects the distorted mindset of not only the previous generation but also the current generation as well.
Two archaeological excavations, Rakhigarhi (Haryana) and Keeladi (Tamil-Nadu), have demolished two major myths of the Aryan invasion/migration theory and the Aryan/Dravidian divide, or the north-south divide.
Infusing the ancient education of spiritual wisdom, art, music, science, and literature with modern education will foster a sense of belonging and pride among Indians.

3: Promoting the Gurukul education system, which used to be an international hub in ancient India:

It will emphasize holistic learning, moral development, and a deep connection with nature and spirituality. Gurukuls focus on personalized learning, close student-teacher relationships, and experiential learning, which can foster a sense of community, cultural pride, and a strong foundation in traditional knowledge and values. It can contribute to preserving indigenous wisdom and promoting a sustainable way of life in harmony with nature.

Megasthenes, who visited India during the Mauryan Empire, mentioned Taxila in his work "Indica,” stating that it was a renowned center of learning and one of the oldest universities in the ancient world. On the other hand, Xuan-Zang praised Vikramshila for its vast library, rigorous academic curriculum, and the presence of renowned scholars. Many more, like Ibn Battuta, followed the same line.

Thus, if the Hindu parents want their kids not only to be intellectually evolved but also to see them as some inspirational figures who not only contribute but are also culturally rooted, then it’s high time we as a society start thinking in the following terms.

Taking the needed decisions now and acting upon them with conviction will ensure the prosperity of the people practicing Sanatana Dharma.

4: Protecting Indian family structure from woke ideologies worldwide:

So-called leftists have this notion of equality. One is either innocent or ignorant of the facts and thinks that life is unfair and all should strive for pure utopian equality.
Observing closely, you will never find any leftists advocating for the spirit of equity. Equity is the real justice, but that doesn’t fit into their agenda.

They are very smart and tactful in creating doubts in terms of religion, equality, and disparity within the families. Teenagers and ignorant youth have always been their soft targets.

Here comes the role of parenting, and so every parent should be vigilant enough about what their kids are being fed or taught in schools because modern education is largely controlled by the leftists. One should also educate oneself about our dharma and the challenges faced with societal changes so that you can maintain a consistent solution-based discussion with all the younger generations around.

Communists are very evil at creating fault lines. Take notice, and don’t get fooled.

5: Lack of consistent cultural policies is the reason behind the downfall of Europe:

The continuous immigrant influx has not only created the foreign explosion but has also failed to protect the interests of its own people. The reason lies in the beliefs and principles of the natives, which are totally opposite to the alienated beliefs of the immigrants. On the contrary,the Europeans have also failed to counter the victimhood mentality that the immigrants possess.

This proves that instead of having politically correct leadership, leadership that is nationalist and decisive in nature is always seen to serve the interests better.

If we want this appeasement politics to end, then it’s high time that we, as a community, take a collective stand. No other than this can be a way of directing the government to act in our interest.

6: Dwindling birth rates among Hindus can be a serious concern for accessing rights in the long run:

According to Share of Religious Minorities: A Cross-Country Analysis (1950–2015), the EAC-PM examines the shares of majority and minority religious communities in the total population of 167 countries, where the Hindu population in India decreased by 7.82 percent and the Muslim population increased by 43.15 percent.

Decreasing Hindu birth rates will encourage other communities to capture jobs across sectors. This will eventually fuel Hinduism in the long run, but by then it will be too late.

Illegal immigrants or people with alienated beliefs can become a serious threat not only to natives’ rights but also to the resources of their respective economies. The Hindu community should be serious enough if they don’t want to see people with other beliefs capture their jobs across sectors and want to see their political representative in power for the times to come.

Time to apply Kootniti.

7: Reservations on the basis of religion should only be considered if the intrinsic and oldest religion of the respective land faces threats; otherwise, debates on reservations on the basis of religion should always be opposed:

Foreign Abrahamic religions such as Islam, Christianity, Judaism, etc. should never demand reservation on the basis of religion, as it came from outside and has never been intrinsic to India or Bharat. Politicians often use these to increase their voter base. Thus, Hindus in the majority should be vigilant enough about what’s being offered by the so-called politicians for their short-term gains. So, it’s the Hindu community that has to awaken, leaving their ignorance behind.

8: Freebies offered by political parties should always be discouraged by the common people or citizens of the country:

Freebies not only create budgetary strain in terms of government borrowings, higher taxes, the health sector, education, etc., but also discourage private investors and commoners from investing and striving, respectively. This affects the overall productivity of creating national wealth.
I may also remind you that national wealth carries a wide meaning that includes physical assets, financial assets, human capital, intellectual property, social capital, environmental assets, institutional frameworks, etc.

AIADMK (All India Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam), DMK (Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam), TRS (Telangana Rastra Samithi), and AAP (Aam Aadmi Party) are a few of the many political parties that have offered freebies like laptops, tablets, free electricity, etc.

9: Need for Judicial Reform:

The collegium system has to go if we truly want Indian society to uphold democracy. Mind me, it will not happen until the colonial mindset is thrown out of the system for interpreting the law. Decolonization is the need of the hour, and for that, the people have to come together if we want justice to prevail.
Recently, we saw the case of the sitting chief minister of Delhi, who was granted interim bail by the Supreme Court of India, and the reason given for the bail was found to be unsatisfactory. Thus, if the common people want Article 14 (equality of law) to prevail so that law can be exercised no matter what position the person holds, then judicial reform is the need of the hour.

- Atul Tyagi
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