

How you live your life is the major determinant of where your journey will end for you, It doesn't matter what or who you meet on your way, what matters is how you treat or react to people or situations that determine how your journey will turn out or where your destination will lead you, you can decide to deal with people nicely or rudely, you can decide to react to situations like an animal who works solely on its instincts, or respond to situations like a human with well-articulated and calculated attempts.

However you prepare yourself when you decide to embark on your journey determines the destination you will end up, everybody is on a different journey, not even your parents, siblings, or partners' journey is the same, and nobody is ever fully equipped or has a compass for the destination of his/her journey, you get most of what you need for your journey on your way, that is why everybody looks for something higher than the natural to believe in for guidance, protection, and assistance in the course of their journey.

I don't know what you believe in but I believe in God almighty as my creator, I put my faith in him because he created me and has my best interest at heart, I put my yesterday, today, and tomorrow in his hands because I am confident in him to steer me towards a great future both here in the world and the afterlife.

Whatever or whoever you decide to put your belief or trust in to take you to your destination is up to you, as for me I have decided to put my belief, trust, hope, and faith in a tested and trusted living God who sees over all the affairs of mankind and the universe at large, and my journey is towards an eternal life of bliss in his kingdom (heaven) where I want to live forever in his glory.

F.I.D libraries.