

A Pair Of Squabs In My Garden!!
Every few days, these Pigeons lay eggs in my Garden, they always happen to be in pairs, so comes out these Cute little babies.

These Baby Pigeons called "Squabs" have involved Parents, unlike many other animals.
Which means both the Parents take turns in incubating their eggs, while they are waiting to be hatched.
And even after the babies are out, both the Parents produce "Crop Milk" for their Babies, a special secreation which is high in Nutrient. Squabs feed on only Crop Milk for the first 5 days of their life, later some seeds along with the milk.
These parents work together to protect their Babies from Predators by emitting soft coo's when danger is near. If a threat is near, the Parents will also distract the Predator from their Babies. Such Loving Parents🤗

These Squabs can't fly for the first 45 days of their lives, so highly dependent on others for food and other resources until they are able to return to their homes (No wonder my garden is always occupied 🤣).

Squabs are incredibly Intelligent species. They are one of the only Nine Animals that Recognise their own Reflection. It's been Scientifically proven in 1979 that, they pass the "Mirror Test".
I personally feel, they even recognise Medicinal plants. Often see them feeding on my "Holi Basil Leaves" (Tulsi).

They are born with built-in GPS system. Squabs are born with the extraordinary ability to find their homes from miles away. No wonder since Time immemorial, Pigeons were used to carry messages from one person to another. The use of Carrier Pigeons became Obsolete with the rise of Telephones and the Internet. But their impact on Communication made a massive impact on the World as we know it today. (still can't stop singing the song "Kabutar Jaa Jaa" imagining it carrying letters😜).

Squeakers (another name for Squabs, baby Pigeons) have extraordinary hearing and seeing ability. They can see objects upto 25 miles away from them. When they are born , their eyes are shut. However, only a few short weeks after hatching, these baby Pigeons can see over 25 miles away. Baby Pigeons are also highly Unique in that, they can detect Volcanic activities and Storms that are brewing. Scientists believe that they can detect Infrasound that Storms, Volcanoes and Torandoes make. Humans aren't capable of hearing these sounds, for their Frequency being too low for our ears to pick up.

Started writing about the little creatures in my garden, but ended up sharing information about these Unique Animals (well Birds).
© Monisha Pathak