

In My Mind.
I opened my eyes, it was still dark and cool. The moon was shining brightly and it lit my room. Sitting up, I thought. Can life be this cool and beautiful? Can life be tied only around nature's wonderful possessions? I continued thinking and there came a wonderful night breeze that took me deep, deep and deeper into my thoughts. It took me to see the world beyond our world. Then I wondered again. Can our world be like this world? The peace and serenity. Can we humans live in cooperation and cohabit like the way animals cooperate and cohabit? Can it ever measure the fascinating wonder of trees growing up high to reach the skies and its root to tap from the blessedness of the Earth? I kept wondering and there came another wonderful night breeze that changed my course and took me deep into the ocean the see the fruits of nature expressed in the world of water. My goodness, I became thrilled with schools of fish swimming and jubilating to the tides and currents of the oceans. It showed me that we don't have to complain and lament over life's situations but rather flow with them for it will only last for a moment. Then there came my travel agent once again but this time around, it brought me back out of my thoughts. I was sad at first because I never wanted to depart from this new world I had found but looking up I smiled again as my little eyes beheld the wonderful display of the sun setting itself to give light to my world. I watched in amazement and I wondered again. Can there be light continually shining upon us to light up our lives forever? I thought deeply this time around and I concluded that it was possible. Only if we humans decide to be ordinary people and play along with nature's course. If we decide to allow love play it's game, we all will live life to its fullest.
But then I thought again, can all humans act the same? Sighed heavily.

© isaiahsunday