

"Beneath Tinted Fates: The CEO's Demand"

"In the bustling metropolis of Abuja Ashraf, the poised and intelligent CEO of an esteemed Art Company, stands as the first son of Alhaji Abdulkadir Manga - a highly respected businessman. Meanwhile, Zakiyya Mahmoud Daura, second child of Alhaji Mahmoud Daura, the illustrious Sultan of Katsina (Daura), hails from a lineage steeped in regal heritage.

Fate takes an unexpected turn when Ashraf and Zakiyya's paths collide in an unfortunate incident. While being pursued by thugs, Zakiyya accidentally crashes into Ashraf, causing a cascade of important documents to scatter through the air. Frustration surges within him, and he apprehends her. Despite her pleas about the pursuing thugs, he forcefully ushers her into his car with tinted windows, effectively shielding her from their view.

With a mixture of irritation and determination, Ashraf demands Zakiyya's assistance in recovering his lost files, now scattered to the winds. Trapped in a complex situation, Zakiyya finds herself in a bind. Ashraf offers a unique solution: she must repay him by working at his company. She fervently implores him to release her, but he seizes her iPhone 14 and exchanges it for his company card, stipulating that she can reclaim her phone once she begins working at his firm.

A tense negotiation unfolds, with Ashraf unwavering in his stance and Zakiyya torn between surrendering to his demand and parting with her cherished device. With the threat of Ashraf's methods to ensure her compliance lingering, Zakiyya faces a decision. Will she begrudgingly accept his conditions, embarking on an unexpected professional journey? Or will she choose to relinquish her phone and seek an alternative path?

As their stories intertwine, the stage is set for a captivating narrative of clashing wills, unforeseen alliances, and the pursuit of personal freedom. The outcome rests on Zakiyya's resolve and the unpredictable turns their lives are destined to take."

(Chapter 1: Zakiyya's first encounter)
I arrived to search for a car as I had taken mine to the mechanic for repairs. It's perplexing how difficult it has become to find a taxi nowadays; each one you come across is brimming with passengers, leaving no space.

I am Zakiyya Mahmoud Daura, the second child of Sultan Mahmoud Daura, the Emir of Katsina. I am 25 years old and have an older brother named Abbas. Additionally, I have three younger siblings: Halima, Rukkayya, and Salim, our youngest. I am a recent graduate of a British university and returned to Nigeria three days ago. Just recently, I purchased a new iPhone 14 and I am delighted that I was able to transfer my pictures from my old iPhone 13 to the new device.

On this scorching, sunny day, luck was on my side as I managed to hail a taxi in time. However, my realization dawned on me rather belatedly - I found myself foolishly seated in a taxi that seemed unusual. The passengers were all men, and to compound the situation, they appeared to be thugs brandishing large sticks and lengthy knives. To my immediate dismay, the taxi had already set in motion. Sitting beside the window, I promptly requested the driver to stop the car.

"Excuse me, is it mandatory? You can't compel someone to remain in the car. Please stop here and take your money."

"Young lady, don't take me for a fool. I'm well aware of how you wealthy individuals operate. You seem to enjoy toying with people, but if you had no intention, why did you halt my vehicle? I wouldn't have picked you up initially," the driver retorted.

"Fine, whatever. Just drop me off here. I've changed my mind."

He brought the car to a halt, but the other men seized my bag. I struggled to retrieve it, managing to wrest it back, and then began running for my life as they pursued me with menacing knives.

Amid my frantic shouts, I made a beeline for a slightly crowded area. In my haste, I accidentally bumped into a guy who had been standing in a quieter corner.

"I'm terribly sorry, truly sorry," I quickly added.

He pulled me back. "Who do you think you are? Can't you see, or are you blind? You shoved my important documents, sending them flying."

"I apologize, please understand, some thugs were chasing me. Please, just let me go. The thugs are close by, chasing me with knives."

"Fine, get into the car. You won't deceive me. I'll settle this with you later."

Reluctantly, I entered the man's car, and he followed suit, locking the doors. The windows were tinted, concealing us from the outside world while allowing us a view of the surroundings.

I observed the thugs scouring every corner, and when their search turned fruitless, they departed. I heaved a sigh of relief, gratitude filling me for the man I had collided with.

After a few minutes, I unlocked the car door, intending to leave, but he gripped my hand firmly. "Where do you think you're going? Didn't I tell you I would deal with you later?"

"Yes, I heard your request, but please, release me," I pleaded.

"You've caused me to lose some vital documents; you need to make amends for your actions," he insisted.

"Please, tell me, how can I make this right?" I implored.

"Hand over your phone to me," he commanded.

"What? Why?" I questioned.

"Just surrender it, and cease your inquiries," he responded firmly.

"Alright, you can take it," I conceded.

"Next, I require you to work at my company for four months to compensate for your actions," he declared.

"Are you serious? This has to be a joke, or you must be seriously misguided. Return my phone now, or I will call the police immediately," I warned.

"How can you summon the police when your phone is in my possession? I had assumed you were clever, but it turns out you're amusingly foolish," he sneered.

"How dare you speak to me like that?"

"What will you do if I address you in such a manner? Do you have any countermeasures?" he taunted.

"Now, what do you intend to do with my phone? I just purchased it yesterday; it's a brand new phone!" I exclaimed, my anger evident.

"I'm only taking this approach to ensure you don't flee the scene. Here's my company card. Once you commence working, I'll return your phone. However, if you opt to discard my card and leave, bid farewell to your phone," he chuckled.

"Do you find this amusing? Or do you believe I'm incapable of affording a new phone? I won't submit to being ordered around like a servant," I retorted firmly.

"Accept the card, or you'll come to regret your decision," he warned.

"I won't regret my choice, and I have no use for your worthless card," I shot back in a fit of anger. Storming away, I fought the urge to scream. I had just purchased a new iPhone yesterday, and this insolent guy had snatched it away.

Thankfully, he hadn't taken my bag; I wouldn't have known what to do then.

My plan was to visit my friend Yasmeen, who had recently opened a boutique. She's older than me by three years. We had parted ways after Junior Secondary School 3 due to a change in my school, but we'd managed to stay in touch. During my time in England, she informed me that she had married her cousin. I couldn't attend her wedding due to impending exams. Now she was a mother of two. Yasmeen had married a wealthy man who treated her well, gifting her two expensive cars. She had invited me over to see her new boutique.

Despite the happiness I felt for her, my encounter earlier had cast a shadow over my day.

Upon reaching Yasmeen's boutique, she greeted me with joy.

"Welcome, Zakiyya, the beauty queen," she exclaimed, as was her usual custom from high school.

"Oh, Yasmeen, the Aladdin's queen," I playfully added.

"Zakiyya, be careful. If my husband hears you call me that, he'll get all curious. Did you start watching the cartoon again?" she joked.

chapter 2

"Alright, I apologize. From now on, I'll refer to you as Yasmeen, the wife of Abdallah. Is that acceptable to you?"

"Yes, certainly. Please join me, and I'll give you a tour."

"I had a stroke of bad luck today before arriving here."

"Really? What happened?"

"I'll explain later. Just show me around for now."

"Sure, no problem."

The boutique was truly lovely, filled with various accessories and items.

"Yasmeen, I'm genuinely thrilled for you. Having a caring husband who arranged all of this for you is a remarkable blessing."

"Find yourself a wealthy guy too, so you can enjoy these luxuries."

"Not all wealthy individuals are the same. Some might be stingy and unkind."

"You're also lucky, beauty queen. With your radiant face, no man would pass by without saying hello."

"Mrs. Abdallah, please stop teasing me. I'm not interested in any romantic involvement right now. My focus is on obtaining a stable job and earning my own income. Having a job ensures independence."

"Why do you seem opposed to being in a relationship or getting married?"

"It's because trust in men is lacking, and unfortunately, some of them are malicious."

"Remember, not all men are like that. If you give relationships a chance, pray for better things, and trust in God, blessings might come your way."

"I'll consider it, but at the moment, I'm not inclined."

"Who knows? You might declare your disinterest now, but I could envision you with a partner down the line."

"Please, Yasmeen, stop teasing me."

"Weren't you addressing me as Mrs. Abdallah earlier? Why the switch back to Yasmeen?"

"Oh, I see what you're doing. You want me to call you Miss Aladin, right?"

"Zakiyya, your Aladdin jokes won't cease! Not all Yasmeens are married to Aladdin. Mine is Abdallah, not Aladdin."

"He could change his name to Aladdin too, you never know," I joked.

"You have a great sense of humor," she laughed.


"Don't you pray for good luck as well?"

"Every time I pray, I ask for luck."

"Keep praying, don't lose hope, and your prayers will be answered. Your desires will come true."

"Thanks for your advice, Mrs. Abdallah."

"You're welcome, dear. Alright, tell me about the bad luck you encountered before coming here."

"I was being pursued by some thugs with knives. They wanted to snatch my bag, but I accidentally collided with an unsympathetic guy who rescued me from those thugs."

"This is quite serious. What led them to chase you? And the guy who helped you, you should be thankful to him instead of calling him heartless. What did he do that made you refer to him as heartless?"

"Actually, the thugs were after me because I refused to give up my bag. I met them while in a taxi. It was just unfortunate. As for the stranger, I don't know him, but I accidentally knocked some important documents out of his hands. He insisted that I make up for it by working in his company."

"That's a tough situation. He could have allowed you to retrieve the papers."

"The papers got scattered in different directions. It's unlikely that I'll find them all. He took my iPhone 14 and handed me his business card, saying I would only get my phone back once I start working for his company. Can you believe that?"

"And what was your response?"

"I refused to take his card. I won't work for his company just because he wants to hold my phone hostage. I left the phone with him. Let him keep it. What's even more painful is that I just bought the iPhone yesterday and transferred many important photos and videos from my old iPhone 13."

"Truly, the guy lacks kindness. He should have returned your phone. But my friend, you could have agreed initially. On the first day of work, he might have given it back, and the next day, you could have just not gone back."

"Oh my God, why didn't I think of that? What should I do now? What if he uses the phone to contact my parents?"

"Why would he do that if you've set a PIN lock on it?"

"I feel so foolish. I didn't set up any PIN or pattern lock. I should have done that. Now he'll be able to access all my pictures and everything."

"The best solution is to find the guy and explain that you're ready to work at his company."

"But where can we find him? He probably left already. He wouldn't stick around waiting for someone like me."

"Don't be too hard on yourself. Anyone in your situation might have fallen into a similar problem."

"What should I do now?"

"Come on, let me drive you there. Just point out the location. We can try to find him. If luck is on our side, things might go as planned. But if not, you might have to accept losing your pictures and videos and get a new phone. It's not that you can't afford it."

"Yes, I can buy a new phone, but those memories are irreplaceable. Graduation, trips to beautiful places, moments with friends... I met Lee Min Ho, a top Korean actor, and Lee Da Hee during our trip to Korea. I can't bear losing those pictures."

"Alright, let's do our best to locate him."

When we arrived at where I last saw the stranger, he wasn't there. I was worried, as I had anticipated. Yasmeen reassured me that we should continue searching and asking people, describing how he looked. Eventually, a woman informed us that he had visited her coffee shop for a drink but left abruptly due to a phone call. She overheard him saying he would meet someone at the express lounge.

"Thank you so much for letting us know," I told her gratefully.

We headed to the express lounge and spotted his car. It seemed like a car repair place, but I wondered why it was called an express lounge. I berated myself for not realizing that this was where I had previously brought my car for repairs.

I asked Yasmeen to drop me off and told her she could go. I expressed my gratitude for her help and for giving me the courage to face this.

As the guy emerged from the place, he saw me outside. His expression was stern. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I made a hasty decision earlier. I've now thought it through and I'm ready to work at your company. When should I start?"

"I warned you that you'd regret your behavior, but you were angry and insulting. It's clear now that you're the one acting cheap. If you weren't cheap, you wouldn't have come back here."

"Hey, stop insulting me. I didn't return for insults. I told you I'd work at your company. Just give me the card, and you'll see me on Monday. Is that a deal?"

"Fine, I'll give it to you, but only after you buy me a coffee."

"Is there a coffee shop nearby?"

"How should I know? Figure it out yourself. Here, take my Mastercard and use it to buy the coffee. That's your key to getting the address of my company."

"Okay," I replied calmly.

It took me 40 minutes to find a coffee shop. I quickly purchased the coffee and took it to him. To my surprise, he was asleep in his car. I woke him up and gave him the coffee, but I couldn't bring myself to ask for the card right away.

"Oh, the card? Sit down and wait for me to finish the coffee before I give it to you."

"Okay, here's your Mastercard."

"No, keep the ATM card. Use it for transportation when coming to work at my company for the first 4 months."

"I can't accept it. I just need the company address to repay you. That's all I want."

"Just keep it. It's only 600 thousand naira, not much. Use it for your transport. Our company will provide breakfast and lunch, and you'll receive a salary."

"But I have a car, so I don't need the transport money."

"Would you run your car without fuel?"

"No, a car needs fuel."

"Exactly, and yet you refuse this. Fine, I suppose I don't need to give you the company address. You can figure it out yourself. I should be on my way then."

"I'm sorry, please wait. I'll take the Mastercard."

He finally gave me his company address and offered to drop me home, but I declined.

Suddenly, I remembered the incident with the thugs, so I changed my mind and agreed. I guided him to my area, but I asked him to drop me off before we reached my house. I didn't want him to know where I lived.

Actually, my parents were in Daura. My father is the emir. I planned to stay at my uncle's house for a week or two before returning to Daura to see my parents.

When I got home, I let out a deep sigh of relief. I closed my room door and took a shower in an attempt to reduce my stress. Now, how do I tell my aunt that I'll be starting work on Monday?