

Dire Wolf Diaries- Of The Wolf Clan
Chapter One - The Strange Pup
In an era, where many creatures roamed the Earth, throughout the grassy planes and the ancient forests. There lived mastodons, sabors, the giant short nosed bear, and various others thrived throughout these lands. This story is about a pack of dire wolfs.
This pack has seven members. The alpha, Neema, wasan abnormally large dire wolf. Her hair was as black as night and her eyes a bright gold. Seeka and Khola are her two daughters. Khola stood slightly taller then Seeka and was a bit stronger too. The two looked vary simular, their hair was a mild shade of brown, almost sandy color with black hairs throughout. The only real diffrence between them was their eye color. Kholas eyes were yellow and Seekas eyes were a brownish green.
The rest of the pack consisted of two females , Vldaria and Tonza and two males Zeno and Zok. They were all avrage sised dire wolfs and varied in shades of brown.The two females were a touch lighter than the males. Vldaria and Zeno were preety well mannerd. Tonza and Zok on the other hand were trouble makers. The whole packs life was about to change.
One day the pack was out hunting their territory in the grass lands. The pack had traveled many miles in search of their meal. Neema had her nose plastered to the ground in search of a scent. Suddenly, Neema snaps her head up, ears pointed forward. Seeka and Khola stop to listen, and they can hear a strange noise too. The pack stood motionless, waiting for the alphas orders.
Neema could see this dark cloud rising from the ground. Neema sniffs the air, it's thick and oddly warm. her instincs told her it was a fire. Normally she would have the pack retreat to safty, but there's that sound again. It's sounds of whimpers followed by loud wailing.
Neema had recently lost her last litter of pups, along with her mate, to a stampeed. She remembered the feeling of the earth trembuling beneath her paws. Seeing her mate dodge and weave through a sea of hooves, trying to save the pups he could. The wailing cought Neemas attention again, and signals her pack to move in.
As thet were approching the heart of the cries, the air started to thicken, the warmer it would get, and the harder they would pant. They reached the source of the fire. it was den like, but made of sticks and leaves. The pack had incountered these pacular structers a few times before, always empty, but never on fire. Neema went of alone, following the sounds of desperations. Seeka, Khola, and the others herd a twig snap. They stood at attention. They spot a small animal trying to evacuate.
Meanwhile, Neema forces herself through a thickit, she's closing in. She hunches slightly as she rounds a tree. Neema could see theis little, bundled up thing, scurming around. Neema approches it ever so slow and cautiously. As she inclosed on it, Neema could discern this weird hairless pup. she was curious, so she inches forward, lowers her nose to it, and sniffs. It opened its eyes and gentaly touched her nose, with worm like things sticking out of its paws.
Neema had an overwelming desire to care for this hairless pup. She carefully grasped the bundled up infint between her front teeth. Neema starts trotting back towards the others. Neema rejoins the pack, waiting outside the smokes reach. Khola had the small animal draped in her mouth, presenting it to her mother.
Vldaria , Zeno, Tonza, and zok, spotted the helpless infint in Neemas teeth. Saliva drips from their mouth as they lick their chops. Neema tenderly lowers the infint to the ground. Tonza and Zok, take a few steps forward with intent in their eyes. Neema stands protectivly over the infint, baring teeth, growling, and hair sticking straight up.
Out of sheer hunger, they ignor the warnings and charge at Neema, teeth dripping drul and jaws wide open. Seeka and Khola lunge in front of them, Khola dropping her kill at her feet. They challanged the troublemakers with snapping teeth and low growls. A scuffle breakes out between the four. The sound of barks, yelps, and growls scattered birds hiding in trees. Tonza and zok retreat, injured, defeated, outcasted, and never to return.
When they finally dissapeared over a hill, Neema picked the infint up. What was now a pack of five, started heading home. It was near sunset when the pack arrived back at their den. It was a decent sized den, fairly enclosed entrance that sloped downward, and surrounded by flat lands to see for miles. Tired from the journey, the fights, and a slight burning of the eyes, they were happy to be home.
Neema set the infint down and lied beside it. Khola places the kill infront of Neema. The small meal of a longer day began. After she was done eating , she lied on her side to allow the hairless pup to nurce, but it just cried. Neema sniffs it and gentaly nuzels it. Instad Neema potions herself closer to the baby. She would nurce and clean the infint every day. Neema wouldn't take her eyes off of it for the first few days. She seemed happy to just have a pup to care for, even if it was hairless.
Years latter when the infint had grown into a three year old little girl, she had learned the ways of the pack. We will call her Little One. She had buteifule dark brown hair with eyes to match. They taught her howls to help communicate with the rest of the pack. It wasn't easy for Neema to raise Little One. Untill she could stand, Neema was forced to leave her at the den with Seeka or Khola. Now that little One was bigger, she brought her on the hunts. When prey was spotted, Little One would be nudged into some bushes for safe keeping. Neema refused to allow any harm to befall on her new pup. Little One would watch as her family would stock, chase the prey into each other, and finally take down the beast.
Afterwards, they would call for her, letting her know it was safe to come out. When the meal was done and it wastime to go home, Little one would climb on neemas back, grab a fist full of hair, and they would set out. When Neema wouls start running, Little One would barrie her face into Neemas fur, to shield her eyes from the wind.
Hunting took up a lot of time natyrally. Somtimes the pack would get lucky and find their dinner early. On these days, when the sun will still bright, Little one would use the tall grasses to play hide and seek. Neemas good nose would always find her quick ly though. When she found her hairless pup she would sniff her franticly, insuring Little one was unharmed. Little One would giggle because the air Neema breathed out would tickle her.
Other times Little One would try using all her might to push Neema over. Neema would gentally push Little One over, roll her around with her nose and lick her face. Even Seeka and khola couldn't help but join the fun every now and again. When the sun would set and the could would set in, it was time for sleep. Little One would sqeez between Neema, Seeka, and Khola where she felt safest and warm.
© Leann Dixon