

Sold (continued)
The sun blared in on my face waking me from my deep sleep. I groaned grumpily as I rolled over and pulled the blanket up over my head. Who ever made the sun so bright needed to have their eyes tested. There was a knock lightly on my door so I dragged myself out of bed and walked over to the door. Steve stood on the other side and I looked at him tiredly. "Afternoon. I was asked to take you to the library room when you woke, but you've already slept most of the day so I thought you'd be up. Sorry about that." He didn't look sincer at all. "It's alright. I'll just get changed quickly and we can go." He nodded and stepped back from the door.

I grabbed a pair of jeans and threw on a long sleeve shirt to hide my arms. The scars usually free attention and questions that I would prefer to avoid so I spent a lot of time in long sleeves. I walked back over to the door and stepped out. "Ok good to go." He smiled at me quickly then turned and led me down the hallways. We took a half dozen turns before we reached a set of doors. Steve pushed them open and waved me in. "Alec said that you can take any book you want but that once you were finished to make sure it goes back where you got it from. Now would you like something to eat or drink? I can have it sent here or to your room if you want?"

I blinked quickly a couple of times as I turned around taking in all the books. The room was massive and better stocked with books then the town and high school libraries. "Umm...coffee...please? I think I'm going to be here for awhile if that's ok?" He nodded and left pulling the doors closed behind him. I didn't even know where to start. I walked down along the shelves and gently ran my hand along the spines of the books.

There was everything from romance to the different sciences. There were enough books here to educate anyone in what ever field they wanted to go into. There were books filled with poetry by people I had never heard of and duplicate copies of some that I had heard of. I started down the romance section to pick something to read at night before bed. I found a couple of books that I hadn't read before and grabbed them making sure to take note of where I pulled them from. I then walked over and looked through some of the horror section.

Much to my mother's disappointment, I had always loved a good horror. whether it was a book or a movie, I couldn't help myself when it came to them. I found a few that sounded good and piled them on top of my pile. With six books in hand I decided I should probably read some of them first before grabbing more. I didn't know how long I was going to be here but so far it seemed I would have enough time to read quiet a few books. I walked over to a table that was in the middle of the room and placed the books down just as the elderly woman from the yesterday entered with a small tray.

She walked over and placed the tray down in front of me. "Coffee, and I brought a couple of cake slices incase you wanted to nibble on anything." She looked as if she were trying to judge what sort of person I was. "Thank you...I'm sorry, I don't know your name..." She tilted her head sideways slightly. "You can call me Miss Jo. Most around here do. Now make sure not to make a mess. The masters don't like it. Especially in the library." I smiled at her thankfully. "I won't, promise. Oh and thank you Miss Jo." she smiled at me slightly and nodded before turning around and leaving.

I picked up the coffee and looked at the books as I took a sip. I decided to start with a novel about a witch. It had come from the horror section but the description didn't really seem like that was where it belonged. I sat down and opened the book. I flicked the pages as I read and drank the coffee that Miss Jo had brought in. I made it through to chapter six when I decided to try one of the cake slices. I looked at them and chose what looked like a chocolate slice. It was delicious and very crumbly. I quickly caught some of the crumbs with my hands and lent over the plate so that none when on the ground or table.

I read through another four chapters and finished of the cake slices when I lent back and stretched out. I didn't realise I had been sitting for so long. I got up from the table and grabbed my books. I stopped and looked at the tray. I couldn't just leave it there but I also didn't know where the kitchen was or how I would carry the books and the tray. I sighed and put the books back down on the table and picked up the tray instead. I walked to the doors and opened them. I stepped out into the hallway and looked around. I was going to have to just try and work it out.

I walked up and down hallways before I found a flight of stairs that lead straight down to the kitchen and I sighed in relief. I knocked on the open door and saw four girls with Miss Jo look up at me. "Sorry Miss Jo, I've finished in the library and thought I should bring these down to you." She blinked at me before turning to the girls who she shooed away. She walked over and grabbed the tray from my hands. "Thank you miss, but next time just leave the tray there and I'll fetch ok?" I nodded a little shocked. I wasn't used to being served and it felt kind of rude to not atleast clear away my own dishes. "Ok Miss Jo. Thank you again." she smiled quickly at me hlthen turned and walked away.

I managed to find my way back to the library with only a couple of wrong turns. I opened the doors and grabbed the books off the table. I walked back out the doors and started trying to find my way back to my room. someone cleared their throat behind me and I jumped. "Lost are we?" I turned around to find a blonde haired man leaning casually against the wall watching me. His piercing blue eyes, that reminded me a little of Alec's, seemed to eye me as if I were food but the smile he gave me looked almost sickingly sweet. "I was just trying to findy room..." I said quietly.

His smile widened a little looking almost menacing. "Then allow me." And he pushed easily of the wall as he started to walk towards me. "Miss, what are you doing here?" He stopped in his tracks and we both looked at Steve who had appeared from around a corner I hadn't noticed. "I was trying to get back to my room." The blonde haired man's smile had faded and his face had become passive. "Steve." He said. "Master Lucus." Steve nodded politely. "Miss, if you would follow me please?" I nodded quickly and stepped closer to Steve as he started leading back down the hallway and away from Lucus.

We reached my room easily thanks to Steve and he stood by my door as I opened it. "Evelyn, you need to be careful in some of these halls. Master Lucus is not as tolerable as the others. I am also sorry for having left you at the library alone. It won't happen again while the masters are away. I thought they had all gone..." He said the last part a little absently as if more to himself then to me. "I will Steve. Thank you again." he smiled at me sadly then turned and left.

I entered my room and closed the door quickly. I leaned against it and sighed closing my eyes. So I'm guessing there's four brothers. Alec I wasn't sure on how to take from my brief encounter. He seemed nice, but then after the others left... Lucus I knew was trouble. I did not want to be alone with him again. The other two brothers just seemed entertained by me even maybe bored.

I went to step away from the door but turned and locked it quickly. I walked over to the bed and placed the books down on the bedside table. I needed a lamp. One just for reading at night. I walked away and over to the French doors. I opened them and stepped out onto the balcony. The sun chair was still sitting where I had moved it to the night before and that got me thinking again. I wonder who had moved? I was more than sure now that I had fallen asleep on it. I walked to the railing and looked out at the courtyard. I wanted so bad to go down there and just walk around. I wasn't however going to risk running into Lucus again. I looked at the forest with the sum slowly setting behind it and smiled. The sky looked like it was on fire while the forest stood proud and strong with a halo above it.

I stood there comfortably in silence and watched as the sun slowly descended down behind the trees. Wolf howls echoed up from the forest as a most slowly crept out from the forest and into the grounds. It was going to be a cold night. I spotted an owl flying towards the forest and watched it dip into the tree line swiftly. It must be after some prey I couldn't see. A shadowy figure caught my attention walking from the grounds and into the mist. I watched as it disappeared out of sight before deciding it was getting to cold to remain on the balcony. I walked inside and closed the doors.

I gathered some clothes from the wardrobe and headed into the bathroom opting for a shower this time so that I would still be awake enough to read after. I climbed in and savoured every moment in the hot steaming water. It was almost as good as the bath. The shower head had different massage settings on it which I played with happily until I found one that made me moan in bliss. I was almost tempted to crash in the shower. I finally climbed out and dried myself before getting dressed.

I walked out of the bathroom and over to the bed. I sat down on the edge and started looking through the books for the one I started in the library so I could read a little more before bed. There was a knock at the door and I placed the books down to answer it. I opened the door to Miss Jo and smiled warmly at her. "I brought your dinner miss." She stepped in with her tray smiling kindly at me for the first time. She walked over and went to place it on the same bedside as last night but the books were piled up there. "I'm sorry, hang on I'll move the books for you..." I fucked over quickly and moved the books onto the bed so she could place the tray down.

I sniffed the air and smelt curry which made my stomach growl in appreciation. Miss Jo turned around and made her way to the door. "Just leave your tray outside the door and I'll collect it later for you miss." she smiled at me. I nodded and sat back on the bed as I grabbed the tray. She closed the door and I lifted the lid of the plate and took a deep breath of the fragrant fumes coming off of it. I grabbed the remote and turned the TV on flicking through the channels until I found something slightly interesting. I started eating the curry and after a few fork fulls I noticed the burn starting in my mouth
It wasn't so hot that it was intolerable but it was enough for me to want a drink of something cool. I grabbed the glass of milk that Miss Jo had provided and took a couple of sips.

I finished my dinner and the glass of milk after awhile. I placed everything back on the tray and got up from the bed. I walked over opening the door so that I could place the tray outside. It felt like I was being watched as I did so. As I stood up I looked around but didn't see anyone. Cautiously I stepped back inside my room and closed the door, making sure to lock it. I climbed back into the bed and grabbed my book. I laid back with it and pulled the covers up.

I fell asleep at some point with the book still in my hands. I woke though to what I thought was screams. Sitting up in the bed I listened carefully. I heard faint screams again and quickly climbed out of bed. I moved quickly to the door and opened it slightly. I looked out and listened again. The hall was dark with no movement at all. I stood there for a few minutes with my head sticking out of the door. No further screams echoed down the hall. I closed the door and locked it again.

Sighing I made my way back to the bed. A scream sounded again but this time from another direction. I stopped for a second before walking to the French doors. I looked out through the closed doors but could see nothing other than the tips of the trees in the distance. I opened them and took a single step out. I listened for another but heard nothing. Cautiously I took another step forward and looked down with out getting to close to the railing. I spotted a small dark figure running away from the house towards the trees. They were alone that I could see.

Suddenly they fell and out of nowhere another bigger figure appeared at their side. The first figure tried to crawl away and get back up but the first figure seemed to fall on them quickly. A single gurgled scream escaped the smaller figure before it ended. The big figure stood back up from the smaller one which just lay still unmoving. I started to step back slowly when the figure turned its head and appaered to look up at me. The moonlight flashed off its eyes for a split second before the figure was gone.

I gasped and stepped back inside the room quickly closing the doors behind. I looked for a lock on them but found none. I panicked a little and backed away from the doors. I looked around the room for something to place under the handles of the door. There was a chair sitting in a corner so I grabbed it and placed it up under the handles as best I could. Stepping back I feared it wouldn't be enough if the figure found a way up on to the balcony but it would have to suffice. I walked back to my bed and climbed under the covers hoping nothing else would happen.

Some how I had managed to fall back asleep during the early hours of the morning. I opened my eyes and groaned a little as the sun shining through the French doors hit them. I rolled over forgetting about the events of the night for just a second. Then it hit me. I flew up out of the bed and went straight to the French doors. The chair was still sitting exactly as I had left it. I sighed a little in relief at that as I removed the chair. Opening the doors I stepped through dreading what I might see below. I looked out over the railing but found nothing! There was no trace of anyone having been out there in the night. No body on the ground, nothing...

I frowned in confusion as I stepped back through the doors and closed them again. I stopped and wondered for a moment if maybe it had been a dream...But then why would the chair have still been in place? I didn't know what to make of it. I picked the chair up and placed it back where it had came from in the corner. A soft knock on the door drew my attention. I walked over and opened it slightly. Miss Jo stood on the other side with a tray. "Miss I've brought you some food. Also your tutor will be waiting in the library for you when your done." She smiled at me. I opened the door wider and she walked in.

"Miss Jo, did you hear anything strange last night?" She placed the tray down casually. "No Miss. Why's that?" She turned and looked at. "Nothing...I just... Never mind. Thank you Miss Jo." She smiled kindly at me and left closing the door behind her. Maybe it was the book I had been reading. I remember when I was younger I had a tendency to have 'waking nightmares' as my mother put it. She said it was because of all the horror books I read. That never stopped me though, I still read them.

I sat down on the bed and ate my food quickly remembering that Miss Jo had said the tutor was waiting for me. I placed everything back on the tray and went into the robe to get dressed. I threw on my last pair of jeans and a tank top. Walking back out of the robe I grabbed the tray and headed out the door. I placed the tray down on the ground next to the door for Miss Jo and walked off down the hallway towards the library.

A single wrong turn later I reached the library and breathed a sigh of relief. I may not know my way around the house but atleast I can find the library now. I opened the doors and stepped in. There was an older lady with greying hair sitting at the table with a book in her hand reading. She looked up at me over the edge of her glasses and smiled. "Hello there, you must be Evelyn then?" I smiled at her politely. "Yes I am." she nodded and closed her book before standing. "Good. Then how about we get started then? Any particular subject that you would like to start with?" I thought for a moment but couldn't think of one. I liked almost all my subjects. I just didn't like sports. "I'm happy to start anywhere." I smiled at her. "Good. History it is then." She smiled at me.

A couple of hours later as I was finishing up some math equastions, Steve walked through the doors quickly. "Sorry ladies for interrupting, but I need to take Miss into town early then expected." The tutor looked up at him and nodded. She smiled at me. "We can continue this after the weekend if you would like." I nodded at her and closed the book. I got up from the table and looked at Steve. He looked a little worried. "Are you ok Steve?" He nodded as he ushered me out the doors. "I'm fine, we just have to hurry." He walked past me and headed off down the hall quickly. I tried to keep pace as best I could but there still was a distance between us.

He was standing holding the front door open as I got halfway down the the grand staircase. I felt like he would have already been out the door and in the car if he hadn't had to wait for me. I stepped through the door and waited as he closed it. We walked down to the car and he opened the back door for me to slid into. I buckled my seat belt as I climbed in the front and started the car. "So what exactly is the rush?" I asked. "The masters are returning tonight. It seems some important business has arisen so when they return we will be hosting a party of sorts. There will be a lot of important people there that the masters are...in charge of. So they have requested that I take you shopping for appropriate attire." I processed that for a minute. "Wait...Does that mean I have to wear a dress? Heels?"

"Yes and other pieces that are normally associated with it...Have you never dressed for a ball, dance or formal before?" He looked at me in the mirror frowning slightly. I blushed feeling a little embarrassed. "No actually...I haven't. We never stayed in one place long enough and mum only ever bought me basics when I need them." He glanced at me sadly. "Well tonight you will get to wear whatever dress you would like and heels." I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Can't I just hide in my room quietly until it's over. I'm likely to make a complete fool of myself or worse...break my kneck trying to walk in heels."

I slid down in the seat a little feeling like crap and just wanting to go hide. I stared out the window in silence the rest of the way into town. Steve didn't seem to try to push the subject further either which I was thankful for. I just wanted to get this over and done with. Not only was I uncomfortable with the idea of getting and wearing a dress but I also hated shopping in general. Unless it was for books of course. That I could do all day. We pulled up outside a dress store that had some beautiful looking dresses in the window. I sat up and looked at them. Steve opened my door so I could climb out. "Time to choose one Miss." He smiled at me kindly. I took a deep breath and walked towards the door preparing myself for what ever was to come.

To be continued...

© shiree warman