

Story of light or darkness in life...
So the story started from new year morning 2023 when I wake up that morning I really don't know that my life completely changed from there. A very beautiful girl dm me on social media. When I see that girl pic my eyes were stopped on her pretty eyes than after the time passes we were became very close friend we know each other very well. Than suddenly one day she call me in afternoon and said to me that she love me when I hear that my mind was became completely blank. Because my dream girl propose me for me that was like a dream. I accept her praposal and we live in a happy relationship we both are happy to having each other in our life. I found my self very lucky because whan se came in my life. My life became so easy related to my career because after sometime I will become a state level professional cricket player. And we both are decided that after selection we both getting married. But suddenly a my life changed completely she said to me that she going to leave me. I asked region behind this but she didn't tell me the region and leave me alone. And suddenly my life came in a darkness...
© jatin