

Ramzan is also known as Ramdan of which Arabic Huruf is pronounced with Z or D somewhere.
where Arabic is a prominent language , D is used.
Ramdan derives from Arabic word Ramidha or Ar Ramad meaning Intense scorching heat. It also derives from Ramdha meaning sun baked sand.

Ramzan is manifestation of obtaining good omen in life with the declaration of renouncing bad values and vices from heart and mind.

Roza derives from Persian word Roz meaning Daily. It's one of the pillars of Islam which we have to obligate every day during month of ramzan that's 9th month of Islamic calendar.

Ramzan presents following as given below:
R stands for Roza
A stands for Akidat
M stands for Marifat
Z stands for Zakat
A stands for Allah is perfect
N stands for Namaz

We should believe in supremacy of Almighty that's real state.
If we talk about when Ramzan began first time, Ramzan began around 623 AD after Hizri inception.

Hizri inaugurated by Mohamad Saheb in 622 AD during his celestial jouney from Makka to Madina.

During his lifetime, Muhammad Sallallahtalaosallam performed his duties to keep Roza 9 years until his death in 632AD.

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