

Willow Tree: Episode 3- Willow Tree Pt. 1
Ki returned to school. He saw the boys who threatened him.
"Punks." He thought in his head.

Later in the day, Ki saw Yanagi sitting with her friends eating lunch. He swalloed hard and got up. He walked up to them, they could tell that he was extremely nervous. The girls giggled, one of them nudged Yanagi.

"Um.." stammered Yanagi, "hey, Ki, do you need someting?"
"Um yeah," he paused, "I wanted to see if you wanted to come with me on a date thing?"
"A date thing?" Yanagi asked confused.
"Yeah, go to the park near school on like Friday?" Ki asked again more confident. Yanagi looked at her friends then Ki again. She nodded her head and got up to throw her food away. Ki smiled a little and left.

The girls started talking once he left. They kept looking back, he was sitting on a wall looking down at his phone.
"Kiss him." Mentioned of the girls.
"What? Why?" Yanagi asked looking at Ki.
"Look at him, he's lonely."
"But that would be out of pity, that would be mean and meaningless." Yanagi stated.
"No it wouldn't, you like him don't you?"
"Well...." She paused, "Yeah I do..."
"Then do it."
"Yeah! He obviously likes you too since he came up to us and asked you out!"
"Fine I'll see, it has to be natural though." Yanagi claimed as she left the lunchtable and headed to class.

Friday came fast. School was out for the weekend. Yanagi waited Ki at the back of the school where he told her to wait. She got her make-up fixed up as she waited.
"Hey beautiful!" Yelled a boys name.
"Leave Dan, I'm busy." Yanagi demanded.
"Looks to me you're just standing there doing make-up" Dan pointed out.
"I'm waiting for Ki." She snapped back. Dan rolled his eyes and left. Five minutes later, Ki showed. He had flowers with him. Yanagi blushed a little,

"Thanks, Ki."

They talked and hugged, then left. They grabbed ice cream and went to the park.

The park was full of willow trees.

© YoungAuthor