

My last chance

'A distant, habitable planet, a crew of six; three women and three men, a perilous journey.'
I read the news with a sinking heart. They were going ahead with the mission even though it was rife with danger... Tears welled up in my eyes as I read my daughter's name among the six. I got reminded of that horrible and terrifying scenario when I read the name of their destination planet. I had seen my husband being eaten by those hideous creatures out there and I don't want to lose my daughter.
I tore the newspaper and screamed at the top of my lungs to get their attention and tried to explain them everything with all my might.
"Mrs. Stevens please calm down. Your daughter will return safely soon", the nurse said hugging me.
" What happened to her?", another nurse asked.
"Ohh, she had a mental breakdown after she lost her husband."
I lost my last chance to stop my daughter from going right into the death's mouth...
© shwetajacob