

Ant and the Sea.
INTRO:When we try to searchout the God from our little wisdom,we find nothing in the world because if we are integers God is infinity.
God can't be saught out from our little wisdom but we can feel it through meditation...
STORY: One day,an ant 🐜 decided to explore the Sea.it never watched the Sea in its life,so,it came out from its hole and walked to the beach.
it was going on the tiny particles of the beach's sand.the Sea was after the beach and it was a long distance for it.it didn't care the distance.it was going,saying it..."Today, I'll have conquered the Sea...today, I'll have explored the Sea"
A turtle 🐢 which was sun-bathing saw the ant.it smiled first and told the ant...."Oh little creation,what foolish you're saying. Don't you know? what you are and what's the Sea.....Ant did not care its words.may be it was thinking the Sea as a size of the turtle.it continued it's journey.
A fish 🐟 threw out from the sea also heared the ant voice.it told to the ant..."Oh creation of small mind,Sea is very mighty. don't you see what it did with me?"......Ant did not waste it's time with fish and continued it's journey.may be it might think,fish is misguiding it.
sudden,it saw a huge creation which was thousand time bigger than the fish and the turtle.this was the Sea for which it came out to its hole and it covered the beach but it was really very big to its imaginations. it waves were bigger than its size.thus it realized it can't explore it.it was abashed upon it's narrow mentality.

it heared a voice that was coming to the Sea...the words were these:

" Oh little ant you can never
explore me.go again to your
hole and meet me through

comment me what's you opinion about this story.I will wait "Fellaz".
Hamza Ali.
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