

Human life doesn't deserve this.
First and foremost the incidents that took place like fire or where any involvement of Adminstration or Government as such there, we need to prevent ourselves from admitting them into the frame work of being unfortunate in Uttarakhand many forest rangers have been sent down without a lot of training and instruction to take hold on the fire because there is a fire going on in Uttarakhand these days and a handful of people are injured a few of them are dead too and this is the administration and how the things have got operated in this country and when will we actually finally learn to take stand for a human life. Ofcourse, you love to rescue a puppy that is injured or has gone through with a painful experience, but why the (Existence) of someone has been treated as leftovers and yes there we heard incidents taking places like these in the whole world, but how come in the Subcontinent or in India they try to disconnect themselves from all the issue by saying. It was a bit of carelessness so who takes responsibility here, no one. I am saying once again don't put it in the frame of being unfortunate instead of waving the flag on August 15, our Adminstrations and those Ministers who are for the people, but from somewhere they only belong to their Selfishness. So don't be a Nationalist who can't reflect on the errors.