

Days - Chapter 2
Finally in the school area, I got out of the bus and headed for the entrance, just a few steps away I was surprised by one of my close friends. " Morning Moon " She smiled as she wraps her right arm over my shoulder. " Good morning to you too psycho " I laughed " Dear Miss Jenny, are you aiming to break my neck early in the morning? " I asked in a sarcastic gentle manner as I get out of her grasp. " And what's with the sudden nickname? " I added as we get inside the school gate. " I just thought of it out of the blue because of your eyes, they're so pretty like the moon" She said as she looks around, I giggled feeling flattered. standing by the main entrance of the school building I paused as I needed to look at my schedule since I forgot to check before heading to bed. " Right, I'm heading to class, so should you " I said as I search for my time table, while doing so, someone grabbed me by the back collar of my clothing and slowly dragged me away. " Wait, what the? " I turned my head and noticed this person was tall, so I look up to see this random guy who I have never met before. " We're having GYM, come " He said as he tugged me away. I was in confusion, Jenny then waved me goodbye as she heads to her class, not even caring as I was being dragged away. I stopped him before I trip myself going backwards. " Excuse me, not to be rude but I don't know you " I fixe my uniform and looked at him a little annoyed, he looked a little surprised and took something out of his pocket, he hands me his student ID, he really is my classmate, but I have never heard of anyone being called Ben in my class, specially if he looks this cute and did I mention? tall, or is just that me because I'm quite short?. " I'm your classmate... doesn't matter if you know or remember me ". He takes his card away from my hand and turns away to head to the GYM not giving me a chance to see his face properly, I was still baffled about this but it's none of my business anyway. " Excuse me if you don't mind me calling you Ben, but you know you didn't have to drag me away by the back of my collar " I said as I walk behind him. " I know, but I felt like doing so to someone greatly shorter than me " He said finding it funny. " Well sorry -Big Ben- for not being a tall clock tower like you " I said a tad irritated. " Just because I'm, what? " I quickly estimate our height difference. " 25 to 30cm shorter than you doesn't mean you can make make fun of me " I continued. I take a better look at his back, my eyes moving to his arms I notice how nice and fair his skin was, compared to mine which is a little lighter than his, he has nice hair too, a little puffed, silky, looks soft and dark brown hair... again... comparing to mine it's opposite, except for the silky part. If I remember, his eyes were Violet. I looked at the floor and thought ( How did I not notice this man in my class?! He stands out too much to not have been noticed for such a long time, and Wtf? Why do I need to compare myself to a guy? ) As these were running through my mind, I bumped on to Ben's back. "Do you want to follow me inside the men's changing room? " He asked with a poker face looking at me while we were already a few steps inside the room, I looked ahead of him and can already see the lockers. " No, it's not like you got anything to show, hahaha " I jokingly teased turning away to the girl's changing room embarrassed, he grabbed me by the collar again and fiercely drags me in the men's changing room. " Oh, is that so? We'll see about that " He said as if his pride was slightly pricked. Not having control while being dragged backwards by surprise I was totally caught off guard. " Wait?! Ah! I was joking! " Notecing that no one was still in the room except for us, and I was already dragged past the lockers heading to the showers, in a panic I tug myself forward with force to get away, I then hear ripping sounds and 3 of my upper buttons were already on the floor, we paused surprised. ( F*ck )I watched the buttons roll on the floor and move to my chest, I covered them with my arms and glared at him. " you little sh*t, wait no, you tall piece of sh*t ".

© every second is yours