

Story of being lighted part 6

Every truth brings a lot of joy to the heart. It's just like wearing clothes. If you wear a cloth which matches your body properly, your sentiment will certify that it's the cloth for you, proper and perfect. According to her father's opinion, Shana has been following Islam since last six months. Without hiting another religions, she is only trying to get involved in her religion completely. Recently, she realized that Islam has adapted to her rational mentality. Worshiping since last six months, now she has gotten an Eternal peace into her mind.
the sun is rising, the specks of light are glittering on the tip of the grass, Shana is reciting the Quran setting on her balcony. Her father came and set by her side on a chair. Looking at her, sixty years old Abdul Majid is thinking a lot. Shana, my sweet girl, she is passing her age of marriage. She should have to got married a few years ago.
But alas, my poor child, she has lost one of her eyes. She is totally silent. Now she is trying to get something beyond this hopeless half dark life.
Father's eyes filled with tears. Silently, he was growing back. But Shana called him. She came closer.
— What's the matter, dad? Are you crying?
Father controlled himself
–Where's? Not, nothing.
— Don't lie, I know you well. Tell me what's the problem.
— Nothing, my sweet mom, a bit of pain. I will share with you. Now tell me, what have you decided? Won't you get admitted to the M.A.
– No, Dad, what will I do with so much of study? I feel to do something else instead of trying to hold the moonshine of this life.
— O my god! You have gotten older than your dead grandma.
– I have nothing to do dad, a pure religious thought makes you so.
— But maybe you have forgotten that a religion is for modifying your life, not for giving up life. There are some individuals in Muslim community who think as you have told. But It's not permitted by Islam. Rather, it's a kind of spiritual sickness.
After all, it might be from their mental lethargy.
Shana smiled,
Shana's mom's voice is being heard
–Shana, hurry and see who has come.
– Coming, mom,
Shana covered her head and wore her black eyeglasses then
She entered her mom's room. She saw her cousin Jafar sitting on the sofa. Jafar, a handsome young, In a long white jubba and black beard, he looks like an Arabian prince. He has finished his study from "AL Ajhar" university a few months ago. After returning home, he has come to visit his uncle's family. His father is an M.B.B.S doctor. In wealth, they are rich. Seeing Shana in hijab, he charmed a bit then said
— How's going the sister?
— It's going well, how are they all?
They are well, but I'm not.
– But why
–That's a lot of talking, but I have heard that you have given up studying?
–But why
–That's a lot of talking.
They laughed together.
After breakfast, sitting in the waiting room, all were silent. First time, Jafar broke that silence and said.
—A wonderful matter has happened
All looks at him. Smiling a bit, Jafar said, Shana is wearing the hijab.
Abdul Majid answered
That's really a remarkable thing for me too.
But you know, god can guide anyone if he likes.
That's right, But I want to hear your story Shana. Shana answered in a down face
—The story is simple, a seedling of beans indicated me to the most valuable fact of the universe, I mean the existence of its creator, its driver and its owner.
—The seedling was growing up, holding a stick of bamboo with his thin and twisted fibers.

That surprising moment, my curious mind brought to me a thousand of questions.
Such as, who has created this “life”? An undescribable motion in every living thing?

Who has trained everything to fulfil its needs in such a good manner?
What is more, from a particle or atom to the end of this visible universe, everything is well planned, and well-designed.
Who has taught the sun to hold fast All the surrounding planets? Why are the planets keeping their satellites around them? Despite they are in motion, they are moving they don't hit each other. Why is it?why is that?
All questions had only one answer, There is a planner, a designer of it's all.
—Well, it's irrefutable. Even an agnostic can realize it. But they don't accept the necessity of religion.
– It was from the depth of my heart, as far as I understand, all the materials, All of these huge arrangements only are created for human being. Because, Only human has so capability that he can use, and enjoy all the things. If you observe carefully, it will seem to you that all things are only to fulfil the needs of human life. So, humans should be thankful, and obeydaint to his creator. This is a reason, why a religion is needed . On the other hand, There is nothing in the world as powerful as a religion to control human corruption.
—But why Islam? While it's the most hated religion by all the agnostics and atheists in the world?
—My feelings about Islam are based on a form of dependency.
— What's That?
— How do you believe that the Quran is the words of god? Did you stay in the cave of hera when the angel came down to the prophet.
– no, not at all?
— Then you believe the Quran as revelation, depending wholly on the truthfulness of hazrat Muhammad (p.b.u) isn't it?
— of course.
— That's the matter. No evidence, No argument. Only depending on Hajrat Muhammad(p.b.u) I can trust Islam. He had such a personality that his enemies also had to trust him. How is it possible that a person wouldn't lie a single time throughout his full lifetime, but he would make a mountain of false information as large as the Quran?
Cheating for whole mankind until the last day of the world! False about the grave, about the day of resurrection, false about hellfire and heaven!! .
Depending on his falsehood, thousands of innocent people would sacrifice their lives, one after another, bloody wars would rise age to age. What a great fraud it is. Why would he do it? On the other hand, false is false, it can't bring any effective good Change for human society, It will be caught today or tomorrow.
But you know Islam has been being followed by thousands of scholars, scientists, philosophers like al biruni, al kharejmi, al gajali , such the golden men of the history. Were they mad? Couldn't they find out that falsehood? History witness, Islam brought a great Change to the economical, political and social system of the world. How can a false hypocrisy get such an overwhelming power? This kind of confidence made me to believe in Islam.
Shana's mom was hearing their speeches. Looking at them, she thinks, If they would get married the couple would be fantastic. But a shadow of despair covered her mind. She said
– How much are you talking Shana,stop now. Jafar is silent. He is only looking at Shana's face. In black sunglasses , beautiful Shana this moment looks like an angel. So, intelligence this girl has. I didn't know.
© Akbar husen2