

Chapter Nineteen

Nathan's P.O.V

"So? She's fast?"I asked.

Mark looked at me.

"Yeah"He said.
"She's not in control of it"I said.
"What makes you think that?"He asked.
"There is no way she can be so fast."I said.
"I saw her woke up and I was the the one who train her."
"What was the first thing you trained her?"
"How to hunt"He said.
"What was the first thing she learnt to do correctly?"
"Running"he said.
"Dose she drink blood?"I asked.
"Sometimes but she's not drinking the amount she needs"He said
"Because she thinks she's still a human, she's disgust by drinking blood even when she craves for it."I said.
"Yeah, Now I feel bad for turning her."
"You Never should have done it in the first place!"I yelled.
"I just wanted to taste her blood!"he yelled back.
"Do you not think that ever single day I see Lanas face I don't want to taste her blood too?"I said.
"I am not you! All vampires and Different! I'm not in full control!"He said
"Do you still want to taste her blood? even after she's turned?"I asked.
"No, I don't. I feel great actually. When I tasted her blood that night It was like waking up from an comma or remembering every thing from an amnesia."
"Like loving someone you never thought you'd fall in love with?"I asked.
"Yeah"he said.
"Anyways, You should keep a close eye on your girlfriend."I said.
"Do you Know where they went?"he asked me.
"No, she didn't say."
"When was the last time she drank blood?"I asked
"Today"he said.
"Did you see her?"
"No, I was doing something."
"So you gave her blood to drink but you didn't see her drink it and you know that she's discussed by it?"I asked.
"Yeah?"he said shakily
"She is with my Human, girlfriend! and who knows how many other humans!"I said.
"We need to find them"he said.
"I'm calling Sebastian"I said.

I took out my phone from my pocket and dial his number. He answered.

"Where are the girls?"I asked.
"Candy told me to wait in the car they are at a bar, Why?"
"Are they planning on going else where?"I asked.
"Yeah! Candy it all planned."He said.
"Do you know where else she's taking her?"I asked.
"No"he said.
"Make sure that you watch them and listen to out."I said.
"Is there something wrong?"he asked.
"I'm not sure"I said.

Lana's P.O.V

"Cindy why exactly did you bring me here?"I asked.
"Its my favourite bar! It's not like the boring ones we went to before.... you know. This one has live music and there's a club downstairs."
"So that's where most of the people are"I said.

She started rubbing her throat.

"Are you ok?"I asked.
"Yeah I'm fine, let's go downstairs"She said getting up. She grabbed my arm pulling me up before I could answer.
"I guess I'm coming with you then."I said.

We went downstairs to the basement, There where a bunch people down there dancing like crazy some where shirtless and some half naked others where wearing cloths and as Candy said there was live music.

"Lets go dance"She said taking me into the crowd.

People where pushing themselves against me, it was uncomfortable.

"Just ignored them!"Candy yelled in my ear.

She pulled me closer to her, and we started dancing. She held me by my waste and slowly moving her head over to my ear. She was smelling me.

"Uh....Candy What are you doing?"I asked her.

I knew she could here me.

"I'll be right back!"She yelled.

She walked away from me and went into another room, it must be the bathroom. I was left here dancing alone.

Nathan's P.O.V

"Mom? Is it possible that Candy is a fast Vampire?"I asked.
"Was she bitten by one?"she asked me.
"No"I said.
"Well you can be a fast Vampire by any bite, it dosent have to be special. But sometimes you can be a normal Vampire. Did it take her a full 24 hours for her to be turn?"she asked.
"No"I said.
"Well then, she's not a fast Vampire. You see you where like that when you where born you where also a fast Vampire except you weren't so for Candy. She's not fully transformed her human self was fighting the transformation and that's how she woke, so now she thinks she is a fast Vampire and she's going to have the ability to be one. She'll hunt faster, drink faster. Shell do everything faster including reading minds."She said.
"She's discussed by drinking blood she hardly ever drinks it."
"Well if she keeps up with this, she's gonna die. But if She is surrounded by humans and her thirst gets worst She could drink all of them in under a minute."She said.
"Including Lana."I said under my breath.
"If you knew this would happen why would you let her go out with your human girlfriend?"She asked me.
"I didn't know she wasn't drinking any blood."I said.
"Son, here is some advice for this girl you are now dating. You need to focus on not breaking her heart and stop worrying about her breaking yours."She said.
"Why would you think I'd be worrying?"I said.
"You are my son and I've seen your Ex's. But I like Lana she's different she dosent care what you are or how rich you are she cares about you and loves you for who you really are."She said.
"Thanks for the advice mom."I said.

She walked out of my room.

"Hey! I found out where Lana is."Kylo Said rushing into my room.
"How?"I asked.
"I may have putted a tracking device on her phone because I knew one day something like this would happen again and you would lecture me about finding her location."He said.
"That's a smart move. And how did you knew that I needed her location?"I said
"I heard your conversation."

Sophie walked into my room.

"He's a liar! it was me who told him."
"Sophie!"He said.
"You can't blame her for telling the truth, but why where you ears dropping?"I asked.
"I ears drop on you all the time, I live in a house with lots of grown ups I'm the only child and it gets boring sometimes so that's just a hobby."She said in her little squeaky voice.
"Don't worry, one day you'll go to school. When you find a way to remove your red eyes and try using normal human strength."
"But I'm a Vampire! I have to show my true self!"
"Your true self?"
"Anyways I must go now, I have a really tight schedule of ears dropping."

She ran away.

"Yeah, imma go too. If you want her location you know where to find me"Kylo said. leaving my room.

I walked over to my coffin and looked at it. I've been sleeping with Lana so much I haven't had a good night's sleep. But that'll have to wait for now.

Lanas P.O.V

Candy has been gone for a really long time now. I looked around there wasn't a trace of her anywhere. I pushed people out of the way and walked over to the bathroom door.

"Candy?"I called opening the door.

I looked around, I didn't see her. But I heard a weird noise and the bathroom smelled weird. The sent was coming from inside one of the Stalls. I looked underneath the stall door and let out a gasp. There was a dead body there, it looked as if the life was drained out of the person and there where bite marks all over his body. My heart started beating really fast, I was panicking.

"Oh! hey Lana."I heard from behind me.

I slowly turned around and saw Candy. Her eyes where red and her skin really pale there was blood all over her cloths and and dripping from her lips.

"This whole time we've been here I could smell the strong sent if your blood. It was making me so thirsty I just had to drag someone in her and drink there's but I'm not satisfied. I want your blood! And you have a choice..."

She started walking up to me and I backed away.

"You can let me drink yoir blood or I'll drink everyone else's killing all there lives when there could have only been one."She said.

I was breathing really fast and I know she could hear my heartbeat.

She came over to my ear and whispered.'What do you say Lana'

I couldn't say anything it was like my whole body was paralysed.But then suddenly the door opened and someone came into the the bathroom. Candy went and attacked the person and I didn't waste anytime to see it. I ran out of there pushing through all the dancing people, I went up the stairs to the bar before I could go through the front door she used her speed running in-front of it.

"Wrong move lana!"She said.
"What the hell is going on!"The bar tender yelled.
"You just waist your turn, you are next!"Candy said.

She walked over to me and grabbed my arm bring it up to her mouth I watched as her fangs grow, before she bit down into my flesh...

"SEBASTIAN!!!"I yelled.

Candy let go of me and Sebastian came inside the bar the second I said his name.

"What's going on?"He asked.
"Nothing! Lana and I are just having some girl talk!"she said grabbing me, she used her speed and strength and dragged me outside and threw me down on to the grown. I hit my head and scraped my elbow.

"What the hell is wrong with you!"Sebastian yelled, he helped me up and put me inside the car.

Candy Came and tackled him, I think they were fighting. They were moving so fast I couldn't see. I felt something running down my face, it was blood when I hit my head it must have started bleeding. I couldn't stay here and wait for the two of them to kill each other I carefully got inside the drivers seat. I started the car. Sebastian was a Vampire her could run home right?
I drove off leaving them there. I didn't stop for anyone I used the GPS and got back to Nathan's house. It took me 30 minutes until I arrived. I got out the car and went inside, I felt like I was going to faint again.


I leaned on a wall to keep my balance.

I saw Nathan walking down the stairs and the minute he saw me he rushed over to me.

"Who did this to you?"He asked showing his eyes.
"It was.......Candy....."I said my voice was weak.

I closed my eyes.

"Lana!"I heard Nathan say Making me open them back again.

He lift me up and brought me up the stairs.

"Mark! Go and Get Jonathan!"He yelled.
"Who's..... that?"I asked with my voice fading.
"He's our Doctor"he said.
"oh...ok"I said My eye-lids felt heavy

He laid me down on a bed.

"Is Candy gonna be ok?"I asked weakly.
"You are still worrying about her even though she did this to you?"He asked.

I closed my eyes.

Nathan's P.O.V

"I'm here"he said rushing into the room.

30 minutes later.

"Nathan?"Lana asked. I looked at her.
"Hey."I said.
"She's fine, it was anything too searious."Jonathan said he left the room
"Has Candy come back yet?"She asked.
"Why are you asking?"
"Becuase even if she did this to me I know that she's sorry and didn't mean it.Do you know what happened to her?"She said.
"She's not in full control of her abilities"I said.
"See? there was a good explanation after all"she said with a smile.
"Would you be worried about me too if I did this to you?"I asked.
"Yeah! everything happens for a reason. There are no sides to the story it only matters on who's telling it."She said.

I went and laid down beside her.

"And there is always another way that story can be told?"I asked.
"Well my story would be that Candy almost killed me while her story would be she coudn t control it. But every problem has a solution anyway."She said.

Every problem has a solution?

"Every problem Can be solved."I said.
"Exactly."She said.

I smiled and kissed her on her cheek.

