

Chapter Nine
Lana's P.O.V

I went down to the library, it is the only place in this house other that the garden in the backyard, that is peaceful and quiet.

I guess I could read a book. I mean that's what this place was made for.

"Hello dear"I heard someone say.

I looked at the table that was behind me, it was Nathan's mom. She got up and sat in the chair in front me.

"I didn't think I'd see you here, but at least we now get to talk"She said.
"yeah",I said.
"Are you a model?"I asked.

She laughed.

"Thanks for the compliment!"she said.
"Not even my husband's sees how buetiful I am",she sighted.
"Lots of moms would be jealous"I said.
"I'm sure your mom is very buetiful"she said.
"I woudn't know"I said.
"What do you mean dear?"she asked.
"Well I was adopted.I never really knew my parents, the left me in the orphanage."
"Wow, must be rough"she said.
"Until Marsa came, she was kind and caring. Even though her boyfriend would abuse her she still looked out for me."
"But she's dead now and then her boyfriend started abusing me"I said.
"Then Nathan killed him"she said. "That boy would do anything for someone he loves even if he has to kill someone"

What! but when he killed Noah, we were not together.

"I know, Vampires are different. They don't fall in live with you by looks or how sexy your body is, they fall in love with you by how you act. You could be sweet,kind, caring always looking out for others and not yourself. or if it's a different type of Vampire they look at the opposite meaning how rude, and badass you are"She said.
"So Nathan's...."
"Been watching you for a long time"she said. "Long before you met, he even knew about Noah before you told him and that you have a little crush on him"
"I'm sorry what!?"I said.
"Everybody has a crush once in a while and he didn't think of it being weird. He even likes the way you talk about him."
"Hold on, so you are telling me that Nathan heard every single thing I said about him!?"I ask.
"Yes"she said.

Ok last time I talk about crushes to someone.

"You remind me of one of his ex's"She said."She was just like you but was a wolf in sheep's clothing. Her name is Olivia, they both loved each other and I thought that he was gonna marry her and I'd be a grandma one day. But one day Nathan caught her with some other guy and that was the end of there relationship and on that very same day he bought a ring to propose. He ended up throwing it in the trash. After the breakup Olivia kept coming back she even found a way to sneak in the house."


"She eventually stopped, I think"she said.
"You think!"I said.
"Who knows, I can't even tell if she just really loves Nathan or wants to kill him"
"Vampires can't die can they?"I asked.
"Actually, we can"she said.

she sighted.

"A wooden steak through the heart" She said.
"Wait that can kill you"
"Yeah, back in the days there used to be wars against Vampires. Humans come after us we hated them and wanted them to die but they where killing us. So we made them think they won by hiding out in the shadows, but they still knew so now there are vampire hunters people who are trying to hunt us down killing us one by one erasing our existence."
"That's terrible"I said.
"We are killing them but there is more just a few"she said.
"At least they are dieing-out"I said.
"I do not like when people die somehow it makes me feel bad. But I don't care if they do"
"I really like you and I hope you do not hurt my son like the others"she said.
"I won't"I said.
"Ok I should get going now"She said.
"Wait! don't take this bad but, Nathan said Vampires don't grow past 18"
"Exacky, but when a Vampire has children the grow all the way to 25"she said.
"You guys are really lucky"I said.
"And you can have all this luck too"she said.
"I'll think about it"I said nervously.

She laughed and then she was gone.

My phone buzzed.

It was a text message from Alex.

Alex: Do you think we can meet, just the two of us. I need to tell you something.
Lana: Ok, sure I'll see you at the park?
Alex: Ok

I put my phone in my pocket and went to find Sebastian.

"Can you take me to the park?"I asked.
"Nathan would have told me that you are going out"he said.
"Nathan dose not have to know everything and besides I'm just going to see a friend"
"Ok"he said.

He opened the car door I went in.


When I got to the park I didn't see him, nor anyone. The park was empty.

"I don't think your friend is here"Sebastian said.
"Just give me a minute I'll be right back"I said.

I went over to the bench where I first met him when he came back, and looked around.

I sighted.

I headed back over to Sebastian. Before I got there a van pulled up someone pulled me in and drove off.

"Let me go!"I yelled, pulling free.

I looked at the person, he was a middle aged man.

"Listen to me kid!I do not want to hurt you,but I will if you don't do exactly as I say!"

Lana it's ok, Nathan is gonna rip the doors off and come save you in seconds your gonna be fine.

"I-I think you have the wrong person"I said.
"Really, well you are Lana Stum, 17 years old, came from the orphanage, adopted by Marsa..."
"Ok!"I said. "Why do you need me?"
"Listen little girl I do not want to hear a peep out of you, so sorry for doing this."

He pushed me really hard against the van I hit my head hard, then passed out.

Nathan's P.O.V

"Nathan!"Mark said rushing into my office.
"Lana's taken"
"By who?"
"Well Sebastian said there was a van and someone pulled her in."
"When and where"
"The park minu...."

I didn't wait for him to finish I went straight there, he followed.

"Why did she come here?"I asked.
"Sebastian said she was supposed to meet a friend"
"I'm sure I would have known"he said Annoyed.
"Then who?"I asked.
"I don't know, I mean she mention......."
"What! she mention what!"
"Alex"he said.
"Who the f**** is Alex!"
"One of her old friends"He said.
"Tell kylo to search for this boy and tell me every single thing about him leaving no details!"I demand.

He left.

Lana where are you?
