

Next Generation
A look into the next generation archieolisgist dig site

Aliza:Have you found anything else
Stewert: No Alicia, not yet
Josh:Hey Guys!! I found something!
Stewert:What ?!
Josh:Come Here, I found a skeleton!
Aliza:Wow! Outstanding job . George and Joseph help josh take the skeleton to the lab

Stewert: I found a box!
Aliza:Explain further..
Stewer:There's a small thin box...
I think it had the use of a projectaphone in their era
Aliza :Wow!
Joseph:Hey guys remember the skeleton ..yeah turns out it wasn't any normal skele bone. It was diseased
it seemed like it was infected by one of the coronavirus. We are thinking Covid 19.
Jacob:Aliza !I found another skeleton!
Aliza :Ok just bring that over to the research lab.
Jacob: Sure boss

Jacob:Wow..this one to was diseased from the same virus
Aliza: Really
Aliza:wait up I have a call coming
(in the call)
Hello. Really! Wow yes. sure thing
(phone call ends)

Aliza: Team I just got a call from the other dig site and they too have found all theses diseased skeletons so we might be on to something . like mabey the people of the 2000 had an epidemic of this covid 19.
Everyone:wow ,cool!
Aliza:Now guys your free you can go off to your home come back tommorow.

Jacob:bye boss