

The darkness crept around me, layering me in a thin blanket. The barks of other dogs rang around me until I wanted to whine. I panted, nervously awaiting my turn in the ring. Snarls and yelps joined the barks, bouncing in my ears. The shadows suddenly strengthened as a large man fiddled with the lock on my cage. I growled threatenly, mostly out of fear. He opened the crate with a tug. I launched myself out of the crate with a snarl, at the man. He made a grunting noise as he grabbed my spiked chain collar easily, I had forgotten that I had a muzzle on. The collar pinched my neck as he dragged me to the arena, the place where I have to end a life to survive. It's either him or me, I thought hopelessly. The light got brighter as we drew nearer. I was able to make out the dog that I would have to kill. By the smell of him, he was male. He was a very large English Boxer, possibly mixed with a pit bull. I had a slim chance of coming out alive since I am a small German Shepherd. My muzzle suddenly felt heavy on my face, as my anxiety made me more aware of my surroundings. Men around the arena cheered as they saw me. But they don’t truly see me, they only see the monster they made me....

© SageBird