

afraid of the autum
iam still enjoying the summer
afraid of what will come
untill the orange rain falls again
things become more quet and the surroundings are not welcoming you as much as before
depression lurks around every corner
afraid for my mental health
slowley everything around you turns orange
i just say out loud its beutifull
but its not
then it's winter then it's autum
and things will be born again
then again
the cracking of the leaves
the trees whispering to and around you
the deep sorrow feeling of boredom and nothingness and etarnal death
no there is absoluteley nothing nice about autumm
unless you compare it to winter
cause winter is worse
the constant fight
the ice
the cracking of your mind helplessley trying to hold on
keep in touch
keep breathing
and fight
why shy why shy

the fight

and then its autum again
and then summer

then the rain

then nothing

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