

Orphic. Chapter 1: My first time.
Nubivagant- wandering in the clouds.

An ordinary thought does not require more than 150 milliseconds for processing and further action.
''Hmm...you look so nice in all of this fresh and warm blood.''
Next to her lifeless white body, I had a bucket of blood from the royal stallion of a neighbor who died yesterday.
''I tried to heat the blood for you, so you won't catch a cold.''
I filled my favorite black cup with blood and poured it over her limp body over and over again, she never tried to call for help or fight me back. She just accepted, as if she wanted to die for a long time. I felt like I was doing her a favor.
The floor was so messy, red, and wet. It seemed improbable that I could clean my trail later.
Her eyes were open, gazing unblinkingly at me. They still look like an emerald that a treasure hunter had finally found. So green and healthy as if an entire forest was spreading on her wonderful iris.
I let the blood flow gently from the cup starting from her small forehead, and down on her thin neck. It was so hard to break.
After that, the streak of blood branches on her chest and abdomen, she had a frame that vulnerability does not dominate. She could scream and hit me, maybe even hurt me with any object she could find here, but she stood silent. She didn't look scared either. Since I meet her, she was a real enigma.
Her legs were the hardest to warm up, but after a while, she was ready, her body was warm again, just like a living body.
I lean my body closer to her, on top of her, but without touching it.
I watched her like that for an entire hour. Then, slowly eating the gap between our faces, I kissed her bitter lips only once.
My first time I kissed a girl.
The sweet flavor that people talk about wasn't here. Instead, the kiss was metallic and wet, her thin lips were cracked and dark cherry red.
They had no taste at all, they were just one pair of lips that fit perfectly in mine.
I couldn't stop myself from wonder what is a kiss?
Kissing causes a chemical reaction in your brain, including a burst of the hormone oxytocin. It's often referred to as the ''love hormone,'' because it stirs up feelings of affection and attachment.
People close their eyes while kissing to allow the brain to properly focus on the task in hand.
However, I didn't feel like closing my eyes.
I closed her eyes while kissing her, her mouth was so still that I didn't dare to move mine in any way. I just locked my lips with hers in a matter of one single minute.
One minute of feeling her soft flesh melting with mine, while the coldness of death sending shivers down my spine, she was dead, so dead.
And it was perfect.
© rubickon